Your goal is to plan on seeding fescue or fescue/bluegrass in the first week of September. It is wasteful to overseed Zoysia with Tall Fescue. If any clumps of Fescue remain, they will likely be confined to shaded areas. Known for its thick, drought-resistant, and low maintenance characteristics, Zoysia has always been a favorite among many gardeners. Colonial bentgrass, crested wheatgrass, ryegrass. Last updated on November 14th, 2022 at 04:14 am. 0000007564 00000 n Allow at least two years for the new grass to grow before planting the zoysia. Continue to water overseeded lawns so cool-season grasses receive 1 to 1 1/4 inches of water per week. <> Dormant Zoysia lawns do not need winter mowing. Actually, bermuda is a maintenance nightmare compared to zoysia. Will Bermuda grass overtake fescue? You mustnt disperse many seeds in one area of your lawn. Does not need frequent watering. Tolerates high foot traffic. The only thing I don't like is the brown lawn in the late fall and winter (I'm originally from NYC). Note: None of them will ever be needed to mow to a very small length of half inches or so. 0000003773 00000 n Sharp mowers and clean tools lessen the risk of lawn disease. Zoysia is a cultivated grass that grows naturally in Australia and Asia and has been in the United States since the early 1900s. After The first week, you can reduce Watering to once a day. Meyers is a 50 year old variety that it's prone heavy THATCH and disease; and takes forever to recover from damage. Then take a peek at these: Best Lawn Care Tools for Beginners and Best Dethatchers 2023 + Detailed Buying Guide. The first step is to prepare the lawn for overseeding. Irrigate 3-4 times per week during the summer to keep fescue healthy and encourage a deep root system. Zoysia is generally a darker shade of green than Fescue grass. 61 0 obj I am offering aeration, overseeding and milorganite as a new service to my customers. link to Signs of Lawn Heat Stress & How to Treat It? You have completed the overseeding process and now it is time to care for your newly overseeded lawn. It all comes down to the climate. Fescue grass is known for taking over natural areas and growing in fields, along roadsides and forest margins. Bahia Grass, Bermuda Grass, Centipede Grass, Fescue, Lawn Care, Rye, St. Augustine Grass, Zoysia / By Joe Bethel. These include a lawn rake, fescues/zoysia grass seeds, seed spreader, dethatching rake, water hose, lawnmower, lawn roller, high-phosphorous fertilizer, and gloves. The initial amount of fertilizer might be low but ultimately you end up spending more to keep it healthy. There are several reasons why Zoysia plugs may take over a fescue lawn: Zoysia grows more quickly than fescue, so it can quickly fill in any bare spots in the lawn. This can be done by scraping up the moss, digging the soil and planting fescue again. endstream Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. It doesnt enjoy living in warmer conditions, so during hot summers, it will likely go dormant. Its great at enduring high traffic and doesnt require much mowing, watering, and fertilizing. . 48 0 obj High traffic areas are not a problem for this tough grass. Apply the right type of fertilizer after the seeds have sprouted. If you must have a warm season grass, then go with Bermuda. Zoysia has a stronger aesthetic appeal overall and requires less maintenance when it comes to patching the lawn and keeping the weeds out. You should test the soil first for frost before overseeding. BEST COOL-SEASON: Jonathan Green Black Beauty All Grasses Sun or Shade. However, Zoysia can be susceptible to Chinch Bugs and Bill Bugs. When it comes to choosing between fescue and zoysia, it really depends on what you are looking for in a grass. 57 0 obj The root system of Zoysia grass is very dense and thick, making it difficult for Fescue seeds to germinate or take root. Aerating the soil will provide a conducive environment for the seeds that are yet to be spread to flourish. Watering twice a day for The first week is recommended. Overseeding can be a great way to improve the look of your lawn, and it is a relatively simple process. Good luck with that fescue this summer! If the ground is tilled before planting, fescue can tolerate full sun and summer drought. (Answered!). Zoysia is the professionals or avid lawn care homeowner. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth in the fescue. Needs to be mowed every 7 to 10 days while bermuda does best when mowed 2-3 times a week. Next, rake up and get rid of the grass clippings and other dirt on the lawn. The grass can be planted through sod, seed, or even springs. It will make your work easier and will dethatch the grass quicker. . endstream Score: 4.2/5 (22 votes) . Warm-season grass with improved cold tolerance. This year, zoysia lawns around hear have been in very bad shape. If you want to quickly spot tall fescue then be sure to look out for a bundle-like growth from bottom to top. Zoysia grass germinates best with soil temperatures around 65F to 70F. In conclusion, while there is always the potential for zoysia grasses to take over your lawn if given enough time, there are steps you can take to prevent this from happening. I cant afford to sod with Zoysia. During its active growing season, Zoysia typically stays light to medium green. Let us know in the comments section! Avoid drowning the seed when you water it; instead, water lightly two times a day . But be sure to enjoy the gardening journey along the way. However, all the literature I have read on the Internet seem to point to Zoysia (the Zenith variety in particular) as the better choice for this area. 0000000653 00000 n 50 0 obj <> This means Zoysia can tolerate and recover quickly from heavy foot traffic. endobj Professional Grass Advice for the Perfect Lawn, Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch, Pennington UltraGreen Crabgrass Preventer Plus Fertilizer III 30-0-4, Pennington UltraGreen Southern Weed & Feed 34-0-4, Pennington UltraGreen Lawn Fertilizer 30-0-4, Pennington UltraGreen Winterizer Plus Weed & Feed Fertilizer 22-0-14, Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix. - What Type Degree, How to Identify and Treat 10 Types ofGrass Fungus | Wikilawn, What colleges offer a degree program in turf and turfgrass management? This type of grass is drought-tolerant and thrive in natural environments as well as in high traffic areas such as parks and golf courses. In other words, you would waste 80-90% of the Tall Fescue seed. Zoysia has a deeper root system than fescue, so it can better compete for water and nutrients. Duble, Richard L., "Zoysiagrass," Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. Moss grows in places where bermudagrass can not grow because it is too shady or wet. by Bess . Be sure to plant zoysia at least 6-8 feet away from any other existing grasses, mow regularly and remove clippings, and fertilize and water regularly. Im sure you have some thoughts or experiences to share for Zoysia or Fescue grass? The Big Freeze! No plugging, which will take extremely long time to fill in. Need help: Weed control for ornamental perennial peanut (rhizomes type)? Pros of Zoysia tenuifolia. What about Kentucky Bluegrass? For many homeowners, Zoysia grass is their warm-season grass of choice. 56 0 obj Only needs mowed once every 7 to 10 days because it grows much slower. If you plan to overseed your Zoysia lawn for temporary winter color, wait until nighttime temperatures are consistently lower than 65F and the grass begins to brown. This contamination can be from re-sprouting of zoysia within your lawn area or encroachment from outside your lawn area (from a neighbor's lawn). This is the only weak point for them both. Mow your lawn regularly to keep the grass short. link to Dormant Grass vs Dead Grass How to Tell the Difference & What to Do? Cool-season grasses include: If you live in the southern half of the United States, you should use a warm-season grass. For such a small plant it sure offers a great deal of variety. Zoysia grass is known for its ability to stand up to heat, drought, heavy foot traffic and a variety of other challenges. 45 0 obj uses both above-ground and underground stems to spread across your yard. If going with zoysia, I would get a sod cutter and remove all the grass you currently have and sod it with zoysia. Avoid using weed-and-feed fertilizers that cause more problems instead of supporting your grass. This warm-season grass grows best in U.S . Besides, overseeding is different from seeding. As soon as it experiences a cold spell, Zoysia grass will start turning brown and will remain dormant in fall and winter. Fescue, on the other side, can survive a freezing winter where zoysia would die back completely. Getting rid of the bermuda is next to impossible as the small seeds remain,even after eradication, for years. endobj Starting with a higher blade setting is recommended. Should you opt to overseed during the fall, you can choose the winter-season variety of centipede grass. Zoysia is not a push-over when it comes to grasses. As a cool-season grass, fescue thrives on winter rains and . The only good looking Zoysias here are at the Golf Course; where it can be pampered and maintained by professionals and virtually unlimited budgets. How do I Remove Thompsons Water Seal from Wood? The zoysia needs to be controlled before it can grow. While each variety differs, most Fescues are known for spreading through short rhizomes and tillers. Using lawn edging in areas might be helpful. On the other hand, fescue grasses are shade-tolerant cool-season grasses that grow exceptionally well in the southern US. 0000004831 00000 n Don't do it, get irrigation and keep your fescue lawn green year round. 0000001261 00000 n If given the proper nutrients and care, it should remain green all year round. Irrigate tall fescue enough that it outgrows it. Lets hop into the details so we can find out which one of these grasses stand tall. Too Much Fertilizer on Grass. Zoysia is more tolerant of heat and drought than fescue, so it can better withstand hot summer days and periods of dry weather. It is hassle-free turf grass. Identification and History of Bitterblue St. Augustinegrass, South Florida Turfgrass Field Day and Expo. Its root system consists of rhizomes and stolons. If going with zoysia, I would get a sod cutter and remove all the grass you currently have and sod it with zoysia. However, in cooler climates, Zoysia grass may go dormant and turn brown. Zoysia is a lower input grass than Fescue. Lettuce Aquaponics: 10 Parameters for Growing Conditions Revealed! Summary: Tall fescue takes the lead in this aspect! Seed or overseed with Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch in late spring or early summer. "Only needs mowed once every 7 to 10 days because it grows much slower.". While Zoysia grass will be more aggressive in warmer regions, and areas with more sun in the yard. See what other customers have asked about Scotts Turf Builder 7 lbs. Mowing height is much more easily maintained. It is a perennial grass- meaning that it will grow and then die back each year, depending on the climate. However, some Zoysia varieties are faster-growing than others. We are in Cary, NC. Overseeding Zoysia with Fescue is a popular way to keep your lawn looking green year-round. Well, give Fescue a shady section under a tree any day, and it will show you whose boss! This will help the grass compete with Zoysia for water and nutrients. 2. If drought and heat persist, Zoysia will go dormant, but it greens up quickly when watered again. Which grass did you select for your lawn? How To Encourage Fescue To Choke Out Zoysia? This area has moderately hot and humid summers with the occasional drought period thrown in for extra measure. Besides, centipede grass is easier to maintain, unlike other types of grass. Spot-treat winter weeds with targeted treatments; green weeds stand out against dormant warm-season grasses. startxref stream During the shoulder seasons of spring and autumn, you might notice an unsightly brown tinge to parts of your lawn.Or maybe even all of it!Either way, its not the most encouraging sight My name's Gibson. At the recommended mowing height of 1 1/2 inches, soil moisture will be depleted MUCH faster than a Fescue lawn cut at 4 inches high; the recommended height. Fescue can cost between $160 to $295 per pallet or $0.35 to $0.65 per square foot. Taking into account tall fescue, this grass requires less water, does not need a lot of fertilizer, & sits well in shade or sunlight. 0000002515 00000 n 54 0 obj Thick & rich turf makes it too good to be true and sometimes it looks like. While Fescue grass is not a pushover, it will often step aside for Zoysia grass to take over. Deep, infrequent watering encourages deep, drought-resistant roots. Zoysia is also very tolerant of drought and can survive in many different types of soil. you can gradually lower the blade as the grass gets taller. Starting with. endobj Continue with Recommended Cookies. Zoysia grass establishes more slowly than some lawn grasses, but it forms a very dense carpet of grass beneath your feet.  . There's no real benefit to replace Tall Fescue with Zoysia, especially if you already have irrigation. You can overseed a Bermudagrass lawn with either a warm-season grass . However, it is important to be aware of the potential for Zoysia to take over a fescue lawn if given the opportunity. Try your best to spread fescues grass seed evenly. Tammy is passionate about educating pet owners and sharing her expertise, which is why she joined, 88 Hollow Pine Dr Debary Florida(FL) 32713, 2023 Arew - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP. Due to its thick underground runner system, Zoysia is great at choking out weeds and covering bare areas of soil. Warm-season grass lawns (including Bermuda, Zoysia grass, and Centipede grass) should be overseeded in the spring. Overseeing a Zoysia grass will result in very few Fescue seeds. This will mean that your Fescue seed costs will be wasted. - What Type Degree, What Causes Light Green Patches In St Augustine Grass? Keep your kids and pets away from the lawn when mowing. Zoysia grass is native to Asia, but it's been in the United States since at least 1895,1 around the time the first American lawnsappeared. We are always motivated to read your feedback and help you in this matter! Tall fescue has high foot traffic tolerance and it recovers quickly from any damage due to foot traffic. Best Dehumidifier for 55 Grow Tent: 5 Must-Look Parameters Revealed! Fertilize with 2-4lbs of nitrogen each year. 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