I will show you that it is so; for, if I should hear a voice, how am I to know that it is divine? The city of Jericho was about to be attacked; within its walls there were hosts of people of all classes and characters, and they knew right well that if their city should be sacked and stormed they would all be put to death; but yet, strange to say, there was not one of them who repented of sin, or who even asked for mercy, except this woman who had been a harlot. Here a tapestry is unfolded, depict Saul did it. Having commenced the separated life, Abraham continued to dwell in tents, and sojourn in the land which was far from the place of his birth. My brethren, we have such opportunities in our daily calling. Don't wonder, don't wonder if you have discomforts here. We either curse or bless those around us. What honor, also, the patriarch had among his contemporaries; he was a great man, and held in high esteem. If that be said in truth, it is well, my brother; you bid fair to be in all things a partaker with faithful Abraham: you also shall find much blessing in the separated life. "But suppose," he said, "I had some keys, they might not fit your lock, and therefore you could not get the articles you want. Said the dear little lad, very prettily, "Because I'm a good boy." I do not think if any of us had such a family as God has we should ever have patience with them. I am sure it has been so with you. Note what it is he has made ready for them. God will hear your prayer and bless Ishmael also. WE CANNOT TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO GO BACK BECAUSE WE DESIRE SOMETHING BETTER than we could get by going back. We desire something better. It is a very perilous spot, that beginning of life, when the youth first leaves the home of piety, and finds himself where the fear of God is not in the place. Did not you find very soon that there was a thorn in the flesh? When I went back into the vestry, I learned the secret of my personal distress, for there was an elderly man in a horror of great darkness, who said to me, "I have never before met with any person who has been where I am. Noah, on the other hand, had not a despairing fear, as some have. If Christ should make thee repent, thou hast no need to think that thou shalt be the least in the family. Carelessness cannot tread the highway of holiness. Let the personal question go round and cause great searching of heart, for I fear that in many instances precious faith is absent. Juda repented, and went and hanged himself, and was not saved. Might not a hundred difficulties and doubts be suggested to lead me to question whether God had spoken to me at all? Yon noble-hearted youth who, yesterday, sprang into the river, at the hazard of himself, and snatched a drowning man from death, he felt, when he stood upon the shore, what a great thing it was to save life. Friend, I am not careful in that matter, nor need you be. Persecution is still abundant, and many a man's foes are of his own household. With regard to the things of God our first thoughts are best: considerations of difficulty entangle us. God sees the poorest child of God as he will be in that day when he shall be like Christ, for he shall see him as he is. Mark you, the chief of sinners can make the most daring of saints; the worst men in the devil's army, when they are converted, make the truest soldiers for Jesus. THE part of the text to which I shall call your attention lies in these words, " By faith Abraham obeyed ." we answer, "We buy the truth." He did exactly what he was told to do, and thus left the consequences with the Lord who commanded him. We have, in one place, faith triumphing over death; Enoch entered not the gates of hades, but reached heaven by another road from that which is usual to men. Will ye always resist his Spirit? Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. But it is just the same with adversity. Christ taketh away the vulture from the conscience, but he taketh away the chains too, and maketh the man wholly free when he doeth it all. Now, in order to faith, it is necessary that I should not only read the Scriptures and understand them, but that I should receive them in my soul as being the very truth of the living God, and I should devoutly with my whole heart receive the whole of the Scripture as being inspired of the Most High, and the whole of the doctrine which he requires me to believe to my salvation. If you are what you profess to be, you are strangers. But what does God see in him? First, he effectually purged our sins: "when he had by himself purged our sins." Listen to those wondrous words. This book was released on 2014-07-31 with total page 287 pages. Those sons of Heth also were willing to make him a present of a piece of land around the cave of Machpelah; but he did not want a present from Canaanites, and so he said, "No, I will pay you every penny. It is opposed to carnal sight because it is spiritual sight; a discernment which comes not of the body, but . Bible > Commentaries > Hebrews 11:4 eBibles Free Downloads Audio Hebrews 11:4 God grant it may be now! Never mind the craft, policy, and number of the foe. "Well," said the other, "and you believe that you are God's elect, do you?" Noah lived two of our lives in this way. Multitudes have confessed the name of Christ, and have done many marvellous things, and yet they have never been pleasing to God, from this simple reason, that they had not faith. This land in which you dwell, and all the works thereof, must be burned up. I think I have said enough about Abraham. Men have confessed their sins, and have not been saved. I shall have some things to say this morning concerning this notable victory of faith over sin, such as I think will lead you to see that this was indeed a supereminent triumph of faith. and in a mournful degree I felt what I preached, as my own cry. He dreams of it. Believers "quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong." There have been days when the world poured continually a river of infamy and calumny upset them, but they stemmed the torrent, and, by continued grace, made strong in weakness, they held their own until the current turned, and they, in their success, were praised and applauded by the very men who sneered before. But, dear brethren, it is not merely in our business and in our calling--the mischief lies in our bones and in our flesh. The brother went home weeping; but he was not the only one who felt his heart breaking. faith, didst thou fight with hideous lust? then we shall come into our wealth, to the mansions and to the glory and to the presence of Jesus Christ our Lord. He climbed a hill on his road. Whenever you feel a prompting to do a good thing do not ask anybody whether you should do it or not; no one ever repents of doing good. What shouts of triumph would they raise, and how would they welcome him! The first was this, that he was willing to be separated from his kindred. Charles Spurgeon has been called "the Prince of Preachers" and "the last Puritan." His many sermons are among the best in Christian literature. In him we shall find succor, and by faith out of weakness we shall be made strong. His faith in God has become to him the crown of all his believings; the most assured of all his confidences. As parents, we wish so to live that our children may copy us to their lasting profit. Abraham was prepared for instant obedience to any command from God; his journey was appointed, and he went. In a lonely hamlet one has little company, but in a city much. No better answer is given in perhaps all the Bible than in the great eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews. What do they know about your inward sorrow? Believe in God, and you will prevail with God. There is death everywhere else, but there is life in his death. The mountain of safety is Calvary. Oh, beloved! Alas! But now for other reasons. The evidence of things not seen. If we have to work for the Lord, we are soon compelled to cry, "Who is sufficient for these things?" 11 Spurgeon's Bible Commentary Hebrews 11 Hebrews 11:1-13 Hebrews 11:1. I bid thee still remain; yea, come again and make this thy Sabbath house of prayer. Now, my good woman, don't you see the absurdity of this thing? This woman's faith was A SELF-DENYING FAITH. They are the trainers, drilling God's young soldiers, and teaching their hands to war and their fingers to fight. John Piper Jun 2, 1996. God be praised for our psalms and spiritual songs. Now, young man, dare you think for yourself? Again, there is another thing; you have joined yourself to an ancient fraternity that has something more than rules to guide or legends to captivate; for it has a combination of both, seeing it is rich in poetic lore. Dark is my path; I cannot see my Lord; I cannot enjoy his presence; sometimes I am like one that is banished from him; but I desire his blessing, I desire his presence; and, though to desire may be but a little thing, let me say a good desire is more than nature ever grew: grace has given it. Do are not read of those who "stumbled at the word, being disobedient"; surely there must be a command and a duty, or else there could not be disobedience. Where can we fly to escape from these opportunities that haunt us everywhere and peril us in every thing? Fools say, "We never shall be saved, and therefore it would be useless to care about it. Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. I cannot reproduce the letters that were written about the sturdy patriarch, nor can I recount the spiteful things which were said by the gossips; but I have no doubt they were very clever, and very sarcastic. Fix it in your mind, "This is God's Book. O! Ah, my dear friend! He must give up all agricultural pursuits, renounce his vine and his fig tree, and go his way, he knew not whither, to a land which to him was as unknown as the valley of the shadow of death. The believer is no longer the helmsman of his own vessel; he has taken a pilot on board. Edited by C. H. SPURGEON. That is not the faith to which the promise is given. And the same things that are the object of our hope, are the . They have stronger, sharper, and more vehement desires, for they have a nobler life within them, and they desire a better country; and even if they get entangled for a while in this country, and in a certain measure become citizens of it, they are still uneasy; their citizenship is in heaven, and they cannot rest anywhere but there. As well might I talk of delivering a Prometheus, while his chains are allowed to remain upon him and bind him to his rock. I have had to mourn over Christian men--at least I thought they were--who have grown very poor, and when they have grown poor they hardly felt they could associate with those whom they knew in better circumstances. (1-2) A summary of points previously made regarding Jesus as our High Priest. what a world of misery there is in this great city, among even good and gracious people! Oh, this flesh, the body of this death--wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from it? Ah, friends! calhfa loan limits 2022 Fiction Writing. If thou wilt trust thy soul with Jesus, thou art saved. The timid Israelites would always have been afraid that Pharaoh would follow them and capture them; but when the forces of Egypt and all her chosen captains were drowned beneath the waves, all fear of them was gone for ever. It would be unreasonable if we did not vehemently resist every opportunity and every solicitation to go back. Five or six families came out of that place, and became substantial in wealth, and generous in liberality. Dost thou seek to serve him? Another thing strikes me. Episode 117 - Matthew Chapter 18 with commentary by Charles Spurgeon and the Ave Maria Immaculata. Meanwhile, the delayer's case waxes worse and worse, and, if there were difficulties before, they are now far more numerous and severe. We must be going to our Father's house, be that where it may. I knew a patient once--I know her still--who, when the lancets had been used upon her, caused the doctor's case of instruments to be filled up with roses! Stay lo of his infinite mercy give us the willing and the obedient mind that we may not pervert the gospel to our own destruction. True, it brought him into a world of trouble, and no wonder: such a noble course as his was not likely to be an easy one. We may as well gather the rosebuds while we may. Thy sin was laid on him. Not now do I hear the shouts of the mob, as they exult that Christians are given to the lions. how often will our imagination paint sin in very glowing colors, and, though we loathe sin and loathe ourselves for thinking of it, yet how many a man might say, "had it not been for divine grace, where should I have been?--for my feet had almost gone, my steps had well nigh slipped." All the other persons mentioned here were doubtless saved by faith; but I do not find it specially remarked concerning any of them that they perished not through their faith; while it is particularly said of this woman, that she was delivered amid the general destruction of Jericho purely and only through her faith. Remember that your greatest joy, while you are a pilgrim, is your God. And now there is some gentleman in the audience who says, "There's a gospel for you; it is a kind of sanctuary for wicked men, unto which the worst of people may run and be saved." Meanwhile, the tremendous blow made their future antagonists in Canaan to tremble. He even offered up his son Isaac. God gave his Son, equal with himself, to bear the burdens of human sin, and he died a substitute for sinners, a real substitute, an efficient substitute for all who trust in him. Or if your occupation keeps you alone, yet, my brethren, there is one who is pretty sure to keep us company and to seek our mischief--the destroyer, the tempter. Hebrews 11:8 . Amen. In the parlour, pleasantly conversing, or in the kitchen, perhaps, occupied with the day's work--toiling in the field, or trading on the mart, busy on the land or tossed about on the sea, there are critical seasons on which destiny itself might appear to hang contingent. If we had been in Egypt at the time when Pharaoh started out to follow the Israelites to the Red Sea, if we had been clothed with all power, we should have stopped Pharaoh's chariots and horses before they quitted Egypt, and thus we should have nipped his enterprise in the bud. There is a sort of faith which doth run well for a while, but it is soon ended, and it doth not obey the truth. I stepped into the house of a woman who had a son transported for life, and she was as full of her son Richard as if be had been prime minister, or had been her most faithful and dutiful son." and there you are young man! Have as many good works as you please, still put your trust wholly in the Lord Jesus Christ, for if you do not, your key will never unlock heaven's gate." "Where can I find comfort then, and security?" You heroic man who, yesterday, when the house was burning, climbed the creaking stair-case, and, almost suffocated by the smoke, entered an upper chamber, snatched a babe from its bed and a woman from the window, bore them both down in his arms, and saved them at the peril of his own life, he can tell you what a great thing it is to save a fellow-creature. She became after that a woman eminent for piety walking in the fear of God. We shall have to speak about his fear being "moved by fear"; we shall also remember his obedience, for he "prepared an ark to the saving of his house." That is his master. I stammered a good deal, and I said little that I thought to say, and some things which seemed to weaken what I did say. Do you not? Bible Study Series: Revealing Jesus in Revelation. He hath prepared for them, not for all of you, but only for such as he has prepared for the city, has he prepared the city. I feel much the same myself, and would do nothing of which God would not approve." You have transferred their strong will to your own deliberate choice. We are looking for it among the unseen things. O traders in this hubbub of trifles, we have small esteem for your great bargains and tempting cheats; we are not buyers in the Roman row nor in the French row, we would give all that we have to leave your polluted streets, and be no more annoyed by Beelzebub, the lord of the fair. Published on Thursday, September 30th, 1915. And I gather it from the fact that there never has been the case of a man recorded in Scripture who did please God without faith. Man cannot please God without bringing to himself a great amount of happiness; for if any man pleases God, it is because God accepts him as his son, gives him the blessings of adoption, pours upon him the bounties of his grace, makes him a blessed man in this life, and insures him a crown of everlasting life, which he shall wear, and which shall shine with unfading lustre when the wreaths of earth's glory have all been melted away; while, on the other hand, if a man does not please God, he inevitably brings upon himself sorrow and suffering in this life; he puts a worm and a rottenness in the core of all his joys; he fills his death-pillow with thorns, and he supplies the eternal fire with faggots of flame which shall for ever consume him. It is here that your strength lies. Trust him. The apostle Paul undertook to raise the structure, and he erected a most magnificent pillar in the chapter before us. Arise and take thy last journey." I would have laughed at the idea of any body else talking to me about these things; but when she prayed, and said, "Lord, save my son Charles," and then was overcome, and could not get any further for crying, you could not help crying too; you could not help feeling; it was of no use trying to stand against it. He might well be ashamed to be called their God, if he looked upon them as they are, and estimated them upon their merits. "O! They say, "The thing is likely, therefore I believe it." But you must take distinct note that at the back of everything was his faith in God. We have had opportunities to have returned. Since then, in presenting myself to my Lord for service, I have said to him, "Make me useful to the doubting and the feeble-minded. says the drunkard, "I like the gospel, sir; I believe in Christ;" then he will go over to the Blue Lion to-night, and get drunk. We may as well let things take their course." Do you the same. "Trials of cruel mockings" are common yet. These two spent their lives in such constant communion with the Most High that they could be fully described as walking with God. That is, for such as are strangers and foreigners, for such as have faith, and therefore have left the world and gone out to follow Christ. "Many are called, but few are chosen." this is well!" He that knows the care of a household knows how easily a parent can do serious mischief with his children by his very efforts to do them good. Let us away from it. Failure itself would be success as long as we did not fail to obey. The forlorn hope of Christendom has generally been led by men who have proved the high efficacy of grace to an eminent degree by having been saved from the deepest sins. Come, good woman, dare you serve the Lord, though husband and children ridicule you? It staggers us: we cannot make it out. God said to him, "Make an ark"; and we read in answer thereto that he prepared an ark. There is many a Christian who, if he were to go back to the gaiety of the world, would find the world receive him with open arms. This is our inn, not our home. To the believer, let a truth be tinctured with the glory of God, and he values it; but if God and eternity be not there, he will leave these trifles to those who choose them. Our will brings envy, malice, war; but the Lord's will would bring us love, joy, rest, bliss. The call is given again, will you obey it or not? Do, and teaching their hands to war and their fingers to fight his confidences, policy, all! 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