In an essay entitled "The Ethical Dimensions of Scientific Research"(13) Considering the vast amount of work within philosophy of science and sociology of science on the subject of values, and the ongoing debate about their distinction, the aim is to clarify and summarize a functional notion of values for science education purposes. This report provides recommendations to researchers, academic institutions, journals, and funders on steps they can take to improve reproducibility and replicability in science. We will use Rescher's headings, describing the major ethical issues that he discusses, and adding a few that he doesn't mention: Rescher states, "Perhaps the most basic and pervasive way in which ethical problems arise in connection with the prosecution of scientific research is in regard to the choice of research problems, the setting of research goals, and the allocation of resources (both human and material) to the prosecution of research efforts. Debunked is the notion of a rigid Baconian scientific method by which scientists derive truth about the universe by making observations with no preconceptions about what they may discover. P-Curve. Sometimes, the justifying value is instrumental, as is the case with fisheries (natural resource value), watersheds (ecosystem services) and ecotourism (economic value). Similarly, a person raised to value charity may donate their extra money to a charitable cause. Maclaurin, J. Errors may also be made by researchers despite their best intentions (see Box 5-2). The final point above is reinforced by a recent special edition of the American Statistician in which the use of a statistical significance threshold in reporting is strongly discouraged due to overuse and wide misinterpretation (Wasserstein et al., 2019). A failure to replicate previous results can be due to any number of factors, including the discovery of an unknown effect, inherent variability in the system, inability to control complex variables, substandard research practices, and, quite simply, chance. Number of students in a class. Biologists have found that the capacity for morality separates humans from animals. (2018, p. 14): For studies reporting statistically significant results, we treated as successful replications for which the replication 95 percent CI [confidence interval] was not lower than the original effect size. Instead, the papers were retracted because of errors, problems with reproducibility [or replicability], and other issues. Overall, about one-half of all retractions appear to involve fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism. Recent surveys have shown that despite a renewed interest in mysticism, and growing concern about the contribution of technological development to environmental degradation, public regard for science and technology remains very high. Its wonderful to identify the core values driving you and try to unlock the core values driving the important people in your life. On the contrary, when students are taught that scientists are mere mortals who are subject to the same social pressures and temptations, in their work as well as in their private lives, that influence all human endeavor, they are more likely to identify with scientists. Natural law is a philosophical theory that states that humans have certain rights, moral values, and responsibilities that are inherent in human nature. However, the pragmatic conception of intrinsic value does not have the normative features (i.e., the distinctive stability and robustness) associated with more standard conceptions of intrinsic value. Therefore, even if individual wolves have a good of their own and inherent worth, Canis lupus, the species, may not (Cahen 1988, Sandler 2007). Below are two examples of studies in which non-replication of results led researchers to investigate the source of the discrepancies and ultimately increased understanding of the systems under study. Sex-linked. A fundamental principle of hypothesis testing is that the same data that were used to generate a hypothesis cannot be used to test that hypothesis (de Groot, 2014). Exploratory and confirmatory analyses are often described as two different stages of the research process. Scientists have found that unconscious beliefs impact our actions. This article will identify and discuss these values and . 36% of the replication studies produced significant results, compared to 97% of the original studies. Sarkar, S. Biodiversity and Environmental Philosophy: An Introduction. Suppose a scientist analyzes some geological data that show that some natural disaster is likely to occur at the 93% rather than the 95% statistical confidence level. Before these researchers discovered the variation in technique, it was not known that the mixing method could affect the outcome in this experiment. We will discuss the topic of human subjects in some detail, both in the next chapter and in connection with the case study about the Tuskegee syphilis experiment in Chapter 4. In contrast, someone who values frugality and financial independence may think putting their extra money in a savings account is best. Beliefs and values determine our attitudes and opinions. If a means is lost, but some other equally adequate means exists, then there is no net value loss. Making a list of your core values can help you determine who and what you want in your life. Michael has a Bachelor's in Environmental Chemistry and Integrative Science. Argued that one of the failed replications in Ebersole et al. In the policy, whether it is another's or you own, you should ask what type and degree of moral responsibility is assumed in . Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics (, Full replication studies of previously published results on bluff-body aerodynamics, using four different computational methods. A recent opinion piece in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences wished to "reframe the discussion about environmental protection" (Chan et al. In Chapter 2, we discussed the meaning, overreliance, and frequent misunderstanding of statistical significance, including misinterpreting the meaning and overstating the utility of a particular threshold, such as p < 0.05. Should prospective parents be able to buy embryos, with specific genetic pedigrees, for implantation into the woman's uterus? Because of this, animal researchers have attempted to standardize environments in order to increase comparability between studies and reduce the need to replicate studies involving animals (Richter et al., 2009). By presenting science to students as the product of the work of fallible human agents, rather than as a body of unassailable factual knowledge about the universe, gleaned by means of value-free observation and deduction, we can teach students proper respect for science, while nurturing an appropriate attitude of skepticism. Is surpassing a specified threshold of magnitude of interest? For example, money or power may be said to be a means to the end of happiness. But when you get home, remember that you genuinely value financial security for your family more than flashy material items. Figure 1:Quotations on the Intrinsic Value of Species. In ethics and social sciences, value denotes the degree of importance of some thing or action, with the aim of determining which actions are best to do or what way is best to live ( normative ethics in ethics ), or to describe the significance of different actions. Integrated . After their discovery, clarifying the type of mixing technique in the methods of the study became an avoidable source of non-replicabilitysomething that researchers who are using best practices would account for in their research (e.g., by reporting which method was used in the experiment or by systematically varying the method in order to fully understand the effect). Similarly, if a researcher does not give adequate information about the biological reagents used in an experiment, a second researcher may have difficulty replicating the experiment. For example, natural-historical value, because it is contrary to human impacts and control, typically favors less intensive design and management and if individual animals have inherent worth, ecosystem management practices (e.g., methods of population management and translocation) need to respect their worth as individuals. They can and should be treated as comparable to, and substitutable by, other instrumental values. Researchers decisions at various points along this path can contribute to non-replicability. As a result, we caution against using surveys based on nonprobability samples as the basis of any conclusion about the extent of non-replicability in science. Aluminum-lithium alloys were developed by engineers because of their strength-to-weight ratio, primarily for use in aerospace engineering. The user interaction model changes. Just as information on rates of non-reproducibility and non-replicability in research is limited, knowledge about research misconduct and detrimental research practices is scarce. For this reason, proponents of intrinsic value argue that it is more stable and robust than is instrumental value with respect to justifying conservation goals. When a study is published, some of these choices are reported in the methods section. Systems under study also vary in their controllability. Even if one considers only quantitative criteria for determining whether two results qualify as consistent, there is variability across disciplines (Zwaan et al., 2018; Plant and Hanisch, 2018). Earth Charter International. They also believe intrinsic value is relevant to developing particular conservation and management plans, strategies, and methods, since these need to reflect the values at stake. The Definitive Guide to Facial Expressions, Key Takeaways: Core Values are Your North Star in Life, 10 Value Languages That Will Help You Understand People Better, 22 Habits of a Confident Woman (For Rock-Solid Confidence), How Not to Be Shy: 6 Strategies for Confidently Socializing, How to Be More Confident: 11 Scientific Strategies For More Confidence, 28 Best Email Signatures - The Only List Youll Ever Need, Dwayne Johnson: The Most Charismatic Man Ever, Analyzed, 301 Best Never Have I Ever Questions For ANY Situation, Make choices that match your overall vision. When you ride in the car with them, you think, Wow, someday I am going to buy myself one of these.. A. Thus, it cannot be assured that false positives are controlled at a fixed rate. Use these values to define what is most important to you in a friend or significant other. With increasing frequency, front page headlines and prime time TV news stories draw public attention to these controversies. Physics. He suggests, instead that scientists have faith that truth will "win out in the market place of freely interchanged ideas". Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. If something has objective intrinsic value, it has properties or features in virtue of which it is valuable, independent of anyone's attitudes or judgments. "(8) Drastic personal transformation or unsettling changes in ones life can warrant reevaluating your established values. The goal of scientists is to obtain measured values that are both accurate and precise. A methods section often covers what materials were used, how participants or samples were chosen, what data collection procedures were followed, and how data were analyzed. NOTES: Some of the studies in this table also appear in Table 4-1 as they evaluated both reproducibility and replicability. What is science? (Fraser et al., 2018). in various branches of science. Suppose you have a core value of freedom. Attempt to replicate 21 systematically selected experimental studies in the social sciences published in. Other ethics and values issues related to research methods include such questions as whether a double-blind protocol is needed in cases where subjective interpretations of research data may influence experimental results. 33% experiments had data problems, such as uncertainties too small, reported values outside of TRC database distributions. The first is ethics. In today's world, where the vast majority of scientific research is funded by corporate or other private interests which often place rigid restrictions on the publication of scientific results and the exchange of scientific information, and where academic scientists find themselves in a highly competitive environment, these norms can no longer be viewed as generally applicable to the practice of science. This circumstance seems to me particularly regrettable because it has fostered a harmful myth that finds strong support in both the scientific and the humanistic camps -- namely the view that science is antiseptically devoid of any involvement with human values."(15). publication. Collaboration with NIST, Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC) databases, prepublication check of solubility, viscosity, critical temperature, and vapor pressure. Do any environmental entities (species, ecosystems, or organisms) possess intrinsic value? counternorms that appear to conflict with the dominant Mertonian norms but that are recognized as playing an inherent part in the actual practice of science, such as the personal commitment that a scientist may have to a particular hypothesis or theory (Mitroff, 1974).More recent work on the effectiveness of responsible conduct of research education, covered in more detail in Chapter 9 . The most direct method to assess replicability is to perform a study following the original methods of a previous study and to compare the new results to the original ones. These types of replications are not usually published as separate replication studies. However, a happy relationship must be founded on similar values for two people to thrive together. 2023 By the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia OEC Terms of Use, Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity | Report a Barrier | Privacy Policy |, Chapter 1: How Ethics and Values Intersect in Science, Chapter 3: Teaching Ethics (Section I - A Guide To Teaching the Ethical Dimensions of Science), The Millikan Case - Discrimination Versus Manipulation of Data, Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity. This is the conception of intrinsic value that Soul appeals to in his normative postulate: "Species have value in themselves, a value neither conferred nor revocable, but springing from a species' long evolutionary heritage and potential" (Soule 1985). 1. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers alone has retracted more than 7,000 abstracts from conferences that took place between 2009 and 2011, most of which had authors based in China (McCook, 2018). Values become especially evident when you meet someone raised entirely different from you. When the sources are knowable, or arise from experimental design choices, researchers need to identify and assess these sources of uncertainty insofar as they can be estimated. As he points out, the increasing administrative responsibilities imposed on scientists is an ethical issue, in and of itself, because it impairs a scientist's ability to devote his or her energies to the practice of science. Convention on Biological Diversity. RECOMMENDATION 5-1: Researchers should, as applicable to the specific study, provide an accurate and appropriate characterization of relevant uncertainties when they report or publish their research. While they may vacation, they are less likely to make radical or spontaneous travel decisions like the example above. The techniques, discussed below, are funnel plots, a p-curve test of excess significance, and assessing unpublished literature. Copyright 2023 National Academy of Sciences. Interrelations and interactions among multiple components cannot always be predicted and neither can the resulting effects on the experimental outcomes, so an initial estimate of uncertainty may be an educated guess. Even a stark result in an exploratory analysis has to be interpreted cautiously, pending further work to test the hypothesis using a new or expanded dataset. Environmental Ethics 14, 265-273 (1992). Test of Excess Significance. Your list of core values ultimately answers the question: What do I value most in this world? As examples of contemporary problems in this area are the scientific standing of various forms of extra-sensory perception, herbal and other non-Western, "traditional" medicines, acupuncture and the recent controversy over the validity of "cold fusion." As noted in a recent study on retraction trends (Brainard, 2018, p. 392), Overall, nearly 40% of retraction notices did not mention fraud or other kinds of misconduct. Peer reviewers at the relevant scientific journal reject the report because it fails the 95% test. These values are specific to your personal life: Many values may be engrained in you from your upbringing, while others may have established on your own. 3) discuss the challenge of defining sufficiently similar as well as the interpretation of the results: In practice, it can be hard to determine whether the sufficiently similar criterion has actually been fulfilled by the replication attempt, whether in its methods or in its results (Nakagawa and Parker 2015). For example, Einstein's rejection of quantum mechanics as an irreducible description of naturesummarized in his insistence that "God does not play dice"seems to have been based largely on an aesthetic conviction that the physical universe could not contain such an inherent component of randomness. Complex systems tend to have numerous interacting components (e.g., cell biology, disease outbreaks, friction coefficient between two unknown surfaces, urban environments, complex organizations and populations, and human health). Several techniques are available to detect and potentially adjust for publication bias, all of which are based on the examination of a body of research as a whole (i.e., cumulative evidence), rather than individual replication studies (i.e., one-on-one comparison between studies). One of the most common approaches to detecting publication bias involves constructing a funnel plot that displays each effect size against its precision (e.g., sample size of study). shape scientific judgment in fundamental ways. (This issue is discussed in chapter 4 in connection with the case study on the discovery of the structure of DNA.). This test evaluates whether the number of statistically significant results in a set of studies is improbably high given the size of the effect and the power to test it in the set of studies (Ioannidis and Trikalinos, 2007), which would imply that the set of results is biased and may include exaggerated results or false positives. In many fields, the proportion of published papers that report a positive (i.e., statistically significant) result is around 90 percent (Fanelli, 2012). Other major value- laden choices that he doesn't mention are the balance between the funding of military versus non-military research and between the funding of fossil fuel and nuclear energy investigations as opposed to those involving renewable energy sources. Do you want to LearnCast this session? One theme of Fostering Integrity in Research is that research misconduct and detrimental research practices are a continuum of behaviors (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017). How does one determine the extent to which a replication attempt has been successful? Incomplete dominance. Replication studies and studies with valuable data but inconclusive results may be similarly difficult to publish. Some have distinguished between the context of discovery and the context of justification (Reichenbach, 1938), while others have argued that the distinction is on a spectrum rather than categorical. Cases where junior colleagues or graduate students believe that a senior researcher has usurped credit that they deserve are not uncommon. Some systems, such as radiation portal monitors, require setting thresholds for alarms without knowledge of when or if a threat will ever pass through them; the variety of potential signatures is high and there is little controllability of the system during operation (Quadrant C). Ultimately, understanding what people value is the secret to mastering people skills and succeeding in business or life. For medical reviews, one estimate is that only 6 percent of reviews included unpublished work (Hartling et al., 2017), although another found that 50 percent of reviews did so (Ziai et al., 2017). When the sources are knowable, or arise from experimental design choices, researchers need to identify and assess these sources of uncertainty insofar as they can be estimated. 2016).The authors contend that an "unhelpful dichotomy" exists among conservationists over whether nature should be protected for humans' sake (instrumental values) or for . Replication of the main result was achieved in three out of four of the computational efforts. A study from the late-1980s gives a striking example of how such post hoc analysis can be misleading. However, a 2009 study suggests that such standardization is actually the cause of non-replicability, rather than the cure. When the researchers from the two labs sat side by side to conduct the experiment, they discovered that one lab was stirring the cells gently while the other lab was using a more vigorous shaking system. Statcheck tool used to test statistical values within psychology articles from 1985-2013. When results are consistent across studies that used slightly different methods or conditions, it strengthens the validity of the results. That is, they are unhelpful in making scientific progress. In many instances, non-replication between two results could be due to a combination of multiple sources, but it is not generally possible to identify the source without careful examination of the two studies. (1992b). The peer review process, the requirement that experiments be replicable and the openness of communication are claimed to serve this purpose. Of course, the number of such serious accusations is only a very small fraction of all the proposals and papers that are reviewed. Even if a researcher reports all of the critical information about the conduct of a study, other seemingly inconsequential details that have an effect on the outcome could remain unreported. Tools. There are costs associated with preserving species and effectively managing ecological systems, and there are alternative uses for managed spaces and management funds. ), Engineering. Figure 5-3 shows how publication bias can result in a skewed view of the body of evidence when only positive results that meet the statistical significance threshold are reported. Pragmatists typically argue that management goals and plans are justified procedurally (i.e., in virtue of their being developed in adequately open, informed, collaborative, and inclusive ways) rather than by process-independent (e.g., intrinsic) values (Thompson 1996). Other types of ethical conflict, not mentioned by Rescher, may result from publication standards. Also, you can type in a page number and press Enter to go directly to that page in the book. There are criticisms of funnel plots, however; some argue that the shape of a funnel plot is largely determined by the choice of method (Tang and Liu, 2000). Some would argue that focusing on replication of a single study as a way to improve the efficiency of science is ill-placed. He claims that issues related to the exploitation of science "are not ethical choices that confront the scientist himself." (link). Baxter, W. People or Penguins: The Case for Optimal Pollution. The booklet includes several real-life stories that illustrate the fallibility of scientists, and the ways in which they can be influenced by personal or social values. However, personal development and shifting your priorities in life can help you change your values to be more aligned with the best version of yourself. A closely related statistical idea for checking publication bias is the test of excess significance. They randomly assigned participants to a version closer to the original or to Ebersole et al.s version. Associate Professor of Philosophy, Northeastern University, People or Penguins: The Case for Optimal Pollution, In Defense of the Land Ethic: Essays in Environmental Philosophy, The Endangered Species Act at Thirty: Conserving Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscapes, Vol. Other measures of replicability include assessments that can provide indicators of bias, errors, and outliers, including, for example, computational data checks of reported numbers and comparison of reported values against a database of previously reported values. 6 Improving Reproducibility and Replicability, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Reproducibility and Replicability in Science, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (2018, Perspectives of Researchers Who Have Studied Replicability,, Non-Replicability That Is Potentially Helpful to Science, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2016c,, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017, Office of Science and Technology Policy, 2000, Defining your personal values can help shape who you are and what you do. This estimate ignores the variability in adult body weights, but the estimate is correct within 25% for most adults. lithium and higher relative amounts of other alloying elements, which made it a more complex system but better controlled (Quadrant B), with improved replicability. In confirmatory research, the details of how a statistical hypothesis test will be conducted must be decided before looking at the data on which it is to be tested. Faculty hiring, promotion, and tenure decisions are often based in large part on the productivity of a researcher, such as the number of publications, number of citations, and amount of grant money received (Edwards and Roy, 2017). As a result, the attempts to date to gather input on topics related to replicability and reproducibility from larger numbers of scientists (Baker, 2016; Boulbes et al., 2018) have relied on convenience samples and other methodological choices that limit the conclusions that can be made about attitudes among the larger scientific community or even for specific subfields based on the data from such surveys. However, if the published literature is not an accurate reflection of the state of the evidence because only positive results are regularly published, the new study could actually have replicated previous but unpublished negative results.8. Inherent values are a relevant consideration in tenure review and discretionary consenting decisions.. The first five articles have been published; two replicated important parts of the original papers, one did not replicate, and two were uninterpretable. More generally, a number of flaws in design and reporting can reduce the reliability of a studys results. A good example of this strategy is van de Poel and Kroes (2014) who clarify that if values are embedded in an artifact, this must be due to its own physical properties; while a rare stamp may be valuable, it does not embody value due to its rarity because being rare is not a physical property. If researchers do not adequately consider and report these uncertainties and limitations, this can contribute to non-replicability. The complexity and controllability of a system contribute to the underlying variance of the distribution of expected results and thus the likelihood of non-replication.7. Science is a social activity, both influencing society and being influenced by people's values and . Examples of drift include: The definition of the concept or target being learned could change. FINDING 5-5: Replication studies in the natural and clinical sciences (general biology, genetics, oncology, chemistry) and social sciences (including economics and psychology) report frequencies of replication ranging from fewer than one out of five studies to more than three out of four studies. Valuable data but inconclusive results may be similarly difficult to publish of drift:. Prime time TV news stories draw public attention to these controversies, for implantation into the woman uterus... Report because it fails the 95 % test personal transformation or unsettling changes in life. And replicability consenting decisions 36 % of the main result was achieved in three out of four of the studies... Are less likely to make radical or spontaneous travel decisions like the example above types. As uncertainties too small, reported values outside of TRC database distributions reported values outside of database... 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