Allah made good deeds as a way to expiate us from our sins and to raise our ranks. Imam Jaafer Sadiq indicates the elevated status of a teacher in the following words: ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT ALLAH WILL BE PLEASED WITH A PERSON WHO HONORS AND RESPECTS A MUSLIM SCHOLAR; AND HE WILL BE ANNOYED WITH ONE WHO INSULTS A MUSLIM SCHOLAR. Showing respect to the elders and giving affection to the younger ones, in the light of Glorious Al Quran and blessed Hadees, is the best act. Teaching is a profession that is respected by all religions and all societies of the world and a teacher enjoys a status higher than many individuals of the community, but Islam has especially emphasized the higher rank of a teacher and commanded its followers to pay special respect to them. Allah does not look at your faces and wealth but He looks at your hearts and deeds. O Allah! Allah Almighty says in Holy Quran: Like (a favor which you have already received) in that We have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our verses, and purifying you, and instructing you in scripture and wisdom, and in new knowledge (Quran, 2: 151). For example, if a person performs the daily prayer (salah) for the sake of Allah and for the sake of showing off to the people, then Allah will not accept such a persons prayer. We develop the most effective and engaging methods to make Quran Learning easy for Muslims living in Western and Non-Muslim countries from the comfort of home. The third task is teaching them moral codes and how to behave. It does not matter whether that trouble is big or small in nature, it will be a means to expiate the believers minor sins by it. A person can repeat them over and over again often and this is why the Prophet () recommended it. Islam is an inclusive religion which covers all aspects of ones life whether it deals with worship, business transactions, food, manners, and even clothes. Not only our Prophet (S.A.W) but his companions preached to value and obey our teachers as well. This is to be done when the pangs of death come upon the dying and should be periodically repeated until the dying person says it. To teach beneficial knowledge and spread it among the people. Our course details also include a study of the life of Prophet Mohammad who is the perfect role model for us to follow. 5. When the iqamah for the obligatory prayer is called, then there is no prayer except the obligatory one. The Prophet () is teaching us the blessing of doing Umrah and Hajj. That I say: SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, La ilaaha illa Allah, and Allahu Akbar is more beloved to me than everything the sun rises on. Giving the verdict of disbelief towards a fellow Muslim without proof is a serious matter and should never be taken lightly. Teachers are more deserving of excellent treatment of Muslims, in general, are forced to keep company, live peacefully together, and be in harmony with one another. We can find numerous examples in the life of the Holy Prophet , His family and His companions where they have highlighted the value of a teacher and have confirmed to their higher status. It is no longer a test of their knowledge and understanding. WebThe Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad ( ) at your fingertips Search Tips. The latter require sincere repentance and good deeds alone will not suffice to wipe them out. In this hadith, the Prophet informs us that his nation will enter paradise on the Day of Judgment except for those who disobey him by not complying to his commands. We should be extremely cautious and make excuses for our fellow Muslims and think good of them especially when the judgment is based solely on hearsay and without verification. There are various opinions among scholars on how exactly to define major sins. The most typical phrase used to do this in Arabic is to say SubhanAllah. The Prophet in this hadith warns that whoever betrays the Muslims, in whichever manner, then that person is not following Islamic guidance nor the way of the Prophet . Thats why teachers have the highest status in Islam. No people sit in a house, in which they are occupied with the Book of Allah among them and they study it together, except that the angels will shade , Ibn Abbas on Dhikr: Remembrance of Allah is the greatest deed Read More , Anas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Whoever teaches a verse from the Book of Allah, he will have its reward whenever it is recited thereafter. Source: Min Hadith Abi Ali ibn Shadhan 150 Grade: Jayyid (very good) according to Al-Albani , Hadith on Quran: Reward every time a taught verse is recited Read More , Abu Huraira reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Verily, knowledge only comes by learning and forbearance only comes by cultivating forbearance. This led some scholars to opine that the same amount can be taken from the beard while others concluded from it that it shows if the beard gets a bit out of control, we can tidy it up by trimming it from different sides to make it look more neat. The former refers to hiding the persons sins and overlooking them while the latter refers to being benevolent towards the person. Islam has acknowledged this importance of teachers and granted them a high rank in the society while emphasizing their rights at various occasions. The Prophet made this remark when he observed some of the companions rushing to make ablution and not paying close attention to their heels. For Umrah, we are taught that whoever performs it multiple times, then it will be an expiation of sins committed between them. Have you ever actually considered that our absolutely wonderful Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was actually sent as a teacher? There is great reward waiting for those who engage in thedhikr of Allah. The Muslims are considered one brotherhood, hence, there are certain rights that each Muslim has on another due to this bond of brotherhood. This is because repeating a phrase or concept multiple times helps the student absorb it better. The Holy Prophet emphasized human respect as Therefore, this necessitates that we obey him in everything he commands us to do and abstain from whatever he forbids us to do. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was continually praising the benefits of instructors and claiming that they are on a higher level than worshipers. Why Should You dont despair the mercy of Allah? We offer online Quran classes and also teach how to learn Tajweed online. In Islam, teachers are responsible for more than just instruction. 11 Responsibility Of Teachers By Prophet Mohammad. WebRespect of Parent In Islam. It also reminds them of the great reward that awaits those who maintain strong bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood with their fellow Muslims in this life. This is when a righteous child left behind continues to supplicate for the parent even after death. *, Et scaevola delicata vix, mea ei invidunt quodsi eripuit definiebas at pri. Have mercy on him.. This amount of love and care may blind the child from giving her the treatment that she deserves, or the child may even begin to take her for granted, thus, the Prophet () wanted to emphasize it. This means the person will not be held responsible for them on the Day of Judgment. The words morning and evening are used to make the point that such a person is always going and returning from the mosque. In this hadith, the Prophet () informs us of the great blessings that result from two particularly short phrases verbalized on a Muslims tongue. There is strong encouragement in this hadith to attend the funeral prayer of your fellow Muslim and to accompany the deceased until he/she is buried. Should I direct you to that which will cause you to love one another? WebThis is an Arabic saying which very concisely describes the importance of respect in a person. Congregational prayer has very specific guidelines and principles which should be learned and observed. He further elaborated that whoever were to do this hideous act, then such a person would not be considered following the path of Muslims. swore~ In summary, this hadith teaches us the importance of charity, forgiveness, and humility in Islam. IN CASE, THEREFORE YOU TEACH THEM PROPERLY AND DO NOT FRIGHTEN THEM AND ARE NOT FURIOUS WITH THEM ALLAH WILL, THROUGH HIS KINDNESS, INCREASE YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Peace be upon you, , Hadith on Khtubat al-Hajah: How the Prophet began his sermons Read More , Antarah reported: I asked Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, Which deed is best? Ibn Abbas said, The remembrance of Allah is greatest, (29:45). This is the main reason why Islam teaches us to take lessons from history in order to protect our future. Some also said that the meaning of His prayer upon them is His care and concern for them and bringing them out of darkness into nobility and light, as He says in the Quran, . When a person dies, then all his deeds come to an end except for three: 2 Knowledge left behind that continues to benefit. The Prophet highlighted three characteristics of such people in order to warn us away from behaving in the same manner. The two phrases mentioned are easy to say in any situation without difficulty. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic Hijri calendar. One of the best ways to do this is through, . Some scholars opine that the reason this is the best month could be due to the following reasons: What is meant by the night prayer in this hadith is that which is done in the last one-third of the night which is also popularly known as the tahajjudprayer. Students should be taught how to think appropriately. Serving parents is a very virtuous deed of righteousness. The hadith also emphasizes the idea of brotherhood and unity among Muslims. At that time, a disbeliever or sinner repenting will have no benefit and such a persons repentance will not be accepted. We need to respect the teacher who is willing to give us the knowledge. Abu Huraira reported Allahs Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: Allah is self-respecting and a believer is also self-respecting and the respect of Allah is injured if a believer does what He has forbidden him to do. If a person does not desire a certain type of food, then he/she can donate it away or gift it to a neighbor, friend, etc. They only made an exception for women. Since our religion Islam focuses on the importance of teachers so much, therefore, we have combined a list of the best Islamic quotes on teachers to make the topic more elaborative and clear. According to this verse of Holy Quran Holy Prophet (SAW) were sent to teach about the Holy Book Quran, the wisdom and unknown things to the people of this world. According to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure fairness in his dealings with the students. Whoever sent one blessing on me, Allah will send ten blessings on him. Ameen The Prophet () warned us against it because it leads to hostility, hatred, rumors, and overall disunity within the community. This hadith also shows us the great favor of Allah by rewarding us with so much while doing so little. The believers are specifically pointed out because they should know better. If what is meant is the former, then the meaning becomes that they will enter hellfire due to not accepting the message of Islam with which the Prophet was sent. Due to the seriousness of this matter, the Prophet warned about carrying weapons against fellow Muslims regardless of whether it is to terrorize them, loot them, or wage war against them. The second duty is to educate kids on how to think. For detailed information about our courses and to register for our free trial classes, please visit our website This indicates that doing. We can understand the highest rank of teachers from the Quote of Hazrat Ali (RA) in which He (RA) stated that: If a person teaches me one single word, he has made me his servant for a lifetime. Our teachers, our educators, and our masters make us what we dream about. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) teaches us how to worship Allah, how to implement teachings of the Quran in our daily lives and many other things. Allah says in the Quran [meaning of which is], O believers! The hadith highlights the importance of reciting the Quran and the positive impact it can have on our homes and our lives. From among these deeds are performing acts of worship with all of its conditions. 2,216 Less than a minute. Whoever called others to guidance, then he will receive a reward similar to whoever followed him without it decreasing from either of them. The donkey specifically is used as a reference because this particular animal is associated with dullness and stupidity. The hadith also emphasizes the importance of humility and submission to Allah, as prostration is an act of complete surrender to Allahs will. To make their work simpler, teachers should be well-treated. Rancor, boycott, and parting ways with one another leads to separation between the Muslims thereby weakening them. Islam teaches us to respect our teachers, listen to them and be dutiful. The Prophet () warned us against it because it leads to hostility, hatred, rumors, and overall disunity within the community. Aisha (May Allah Be Pleased With Her) reported that the Prophet (PBUH) said: Everything seeks forgiveness for the teacher of virtue, even fish in the sea., . Another group was studying intently. In this hadith, the Prophet informed us that the hellfire is hidden behind unlawful desires, which teaches us that actively pursuing such desires will make us end up at that cursed destination. It is the beginning of the Islamic new year. This is especially the case when the adviser has a lower rank than the one being advised, such as, a son/daughter advising a parent. The purpose of having an imaam in congregational prayer is so that he can be followed! He loved for others to clean and perfume themselves before prayer for anyone able to do so. THE BEST OF YOU ARE THE STUDENTS OF THE QURAN AND THE TEACHERS OF IT. Importance of Teachers in Islam What Islam cherishes the profession of teaching. There is encouragement in this hadith for us to hasten to repent to Allah before a time comes when it will not be accepted. Abu Umamah reported that the prophet (PBUH) said: The virtue of the scholar over the worshiper is like my virtue over the least of you. This is part of a longer hadith in which the Prophet speaks about a person who goes to the mosque to pray and waits for the prayer to begin, thus, there is strong encouragement to arrive early to the mosque before the prayer begins. 10 Impact of Teachers on Students. This implies that you are following in the footsteps of the greatest human beings throughout history and you should be a good role model for others. WebDiscussing the rights of a teacher, the Holy Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said: YOU SHOULD NOT POINT TO HIM [TEACHER] WITH YOUR HANDS; YOU SHOULD NOT SAY, SO AND SO SAID SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOU SAID Narration The descendent of the Prophet Muhammad , Imam Zain ul abideen, highlights the status and rights of a How you can learn by teachers guide in MuslimTutors? , Ali ibn Abi Talib reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it. Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2909 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani , Hadith on Teaching: Best Muslims teach Quran they have learned Read More , Ubayy ibn Kab reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, taught us to say when we entered the morning, We have entered the morning upon the pure nature of Islam, the word of sincerity, the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and the religion of our , Hadith on Dua: Supplication upon monotheism, morning and evening Read More , Ibn Abbas reported: The people would raise their voices in remembrance as they left the obligatory prayers in the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. If we have neighboring non-Muslims, still respect them only as neighbors, as has been taught by the Holy Prophet (SAW). This is particularly valid for the religion of Islam. What is meant by place in paradise is that such a person will have an honorable place in paradise with good hospitality. A teacher himself is only a teacher but has the capacity to teach us everything. One of the most commonly violated etiquette is remaining silent while the imaam is giving the sermon. Some said what is meant is His mercy towards them and that He has mercy on them time after time until this mercy reaches that number. Some scholars opine that the reason repentance is not accepted during these two times may be because the true reality becomes apparent to them during that time and they have seen the truth with their eyes, thus, the test is considered over. This particular hadith gives the believers comfort because it teaches us that whatever problem a believer faces in this world, whether physical or psychological, then there is good in it for the believer. Teachers should acquire and utilize learning facilities and infrastructure. Perhaps, they are not aware that they are doing something wrong or maybe they are stuck in a situation where it is difficult for them to act otherwise. In this hadith, the Prophet () informs us of the great blessings that result from two particularly short phrases verbalized on a Muslims tongue. This is why it is necessary to spread good and help people remember Allah. One of the things that must be done is for our people and government leaders, both young and old, to recognize the value of teaching. WebHadith studies (Arabic: ilm al-adth "science of hadith",also science of hadith, or science of hadith criticism or hadith criticism) consists of several religious scholarly disciplines used by Muslim scholars in the study and evaluation of the Islamic hadithi.e. In this sense, both the media and government officials should contribute. The Prophet also mentioned that Satan flees from the home in which Surah Al-Baqarah is recited. The tongue is a great blessing of Allah and despite its small size, it could be the cause of a persons bliss or doom in the afterlife. We also learn from this hadith that the Prophet was eager to make things easy for the people not difficult. Boolean Operators e.g. According to the Islamic teaching anyone who conveys a single good message become a teacher to the other person. Teachers play the most significant role in a students life. One of the types of minor shirk is showing off, which is a quality of the hypocrites. Trim the mustache and leave the beard. In this hadith, the Prophet commands his companions to differ from the Magians by shortening their mustaches and growing their beards. Verily, Allah, his angels, the inhabitants of the heavens and earth, even the ant in his hole and the fish, send blessings upon the one who teaches people what is good., . Faith can never be truly completed without such love between the believers. If the accusation is actually true and justified towards the accused, then it would be valid. This hadith commands us to abstain from unlawful desires because they lead us to hellfire and to be patient over difficulties because it leads us to paradise. The Prophet here warns that those who do such a thing are only preparing themselves to be entered into Hell on the Day of Judgment. Respect to each other strive us away from the sins we must carry because we are unable to keep a peaceful life. The best prayer after the obligatory one is the night prayer. Whoever calls others to guidance, then he/she will be rewarded with the same reward as those who follow him/her in that guidance without it diminishing anything from them. This hadith highlights the sanctity of a Muslims life and the importance of respecting your fellow Muslims rights. Mankind was created weak, thus, we make mistakes and engage in sinful actions by our very nature. He is far above and beyond His creation. Those who are able to bear lifes afflictions with patience have a great reward waiting for them with Allah. Therefore it is extremely necessary that the teacher must possess a sound mind along with virtuous and noble morals and manners to be a positive impact on their pupils. The main lesson from this hadith is to take full advantage of the night prayers in Ramadan. It should be noted that this is in reference to minor sins and not major ones. YOU SHOULD NOT CONVERSE WITH OTHERS IN HIS PRESENCE AND YOU SHOULD ALLOW THE PEOPLE TO BENEFIT FROM HIS KNOWLEDGE. They should be acknowledged as well as appreciated. WebIn the hadith, attention is drawn to this with the following analogy: No son can pay his fathers rights. While she has multiple academic book chapters to her name, it took her a while to find the confidence to express herself through content writing. Indeed, when one is deprived of respect and etiquette, one can stoop to a level that any normal human being would consider unthinkable, let alone any person with Imaan. For example test* would result in test, tester, testers, etc. Respect and importance of the teachers in islam and top quotes about teachers in Urdu and Hindi Sins for which the doer is said to be cursed in the Quran or Sunnah. It is important to ponder over the consequences of ones words before speaking and the harms they may cause to oneself and others. Some of the definitions of major sins include: The accepted Hajj is the type that is done without doing anything forbidden in it. Some of the scholars say that we must do our best to first give excuses for others wrong behavior to the best of our ability before making a judgment. These are just examples but there could be numerous other valid reasons as well. The word, means to negate from Allah every type of defect and imperfection. The meaning of in the fire could be in reference to the person being punished for doing such an act in the afterlife or that the specific body part below the ankle will be punished by burning. Whatever of the lower garment falls below the ankles is in the fire. The importance of teachers cannot be mentioned in a word, or a paragraph or even an essay. One of the best ways to do this is through Umrah and Hajj. In more than one Hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) forbade such heinous behavior. [QURAN 24:63] Discussing the rights of a teacher, the Holy Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said: YOU SHOULD NOT POINT TO HIM [TEACHER] WITH YOUR HANDS; YOU SHOULD NOT SAY, SO AND SO SAID SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN WHAT YOU SAID. Allah SWT honors people who gain knowledge, and instructors are recognized to be the communitys knowledge hunters. Teachers are those people who are not kings themselves but makes others kings. Sometimes people are just calling for help but nobody has ever offered it to them. In this hadith, the Prophet is strictly warning us from preceding the imaam in congregational prayer. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This hadith teaches us about the great reward for those who look after and take care of the widows and the poor by fulfilling their needs and being good to them. Charity does not decrease wealth, Allah increases the honor of the slave who pardons [others], and whoever humbles himself for Allahs sake, He will raise him [in status]. One of the vital points in social life is regard for the dignity of human beings which is an integral part of Islamic jurisprudence, and the great leaders of Islam have paid due attention to this. Some scholars interpreted the words to mean that as long as the person does not do an act of disobedience to Allah and did not relate it to invalidation of ablution. test* The hadith teaches us that obedience to the Prophet obligates paradise while disobedience to him obligates the hellfire. By treating Allah with goodness and respect, we hope that His mercy will come to us as well. This is a feeling that everyone has. 5 Significant Practices for the Last Ten Days of Ramadan, 7 Ways to Make Allah Please in first 10 Days of Dhul Hajjah, Fasting in Shawwal- Significance & Virtues. One of these main teachings revolved around the idea of promoting love between Muslims and warning them away from discord and quarrel. Whenever someone goes to the mosque in the morning or evening, Allah prepares for him a place in paradise. As a result, it is obvious that scorning, wronging, or disappointing a Muslim is Haram, and those who do so will be punished both here and in the hereafter. YOU SHOULD BE VERY ATTENTIVE TO HIS WORDS. As the Prophet () directed us in another hadith to either say something good or remain silent. The teacher is the spiritual father of the student as he is the one who provides spiritual nourishment and improves the behavior of learners. I have forgiven My servant [his sins] and have admitted him to Paradise. Islamic law encourages reconciliation, consolidation, and harmony between Muslims and it prohibits anything that may cause rift, hostility, hatred, and disunity between them. It emphasizes that those who have strong bonds with each other based on their mutual love for Allah and their obedience to His commandments will be given a special status on the Day of Judgment. The person is unoccupied and free of any daily concerns at that time so can just focus on the prayer itself and connecting with Allah. It is reported that his great grandfather was a companion who fought several battles alongside the Prophet (). The Quran states, When they saw Our punishment, they cried, Now we believe in Allah alone and reject what we had been associating with Him! But their faith was of no benefit to them when they saw Our torment. Every Muslim is expected to have a decent character and noble manners in general. The angels continue to pray for one of you as long as he remains in his place of prayer provided he does not break his ablution. The Holy Prophet is reported to have said: SLEEP OF A SCHOLAR IS SUPERIOR TO ONE THOUSAND RAKATS OF PRAYERS OFFERED BY A DEVOUT PERSON. Forgive him. The second group of scholars took the hadith literally and opined that it applies to all situations whether done out of arrogance or not. Allah, the Exalted and Blessed, said: I am of those most without need to be associated with partners. Islam tells us how our teachers consume themselves to pave the way for his or her students. Not only this, but there are also various ayah of the Holy Quran in which Allah has stressed upon the rights of a teacher. The contributions of teachers should be recognized. It is evident from Hazrat Alis (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) statement: If a person teaches me one single word, he has made me his servant for a lifetime.. 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