I live in an apartment in NH. My husband moved the endtable from his side of the bed and saw black spots on the wall. This article on Toxic Mold Litigation may help in your case, depending on what state you are in, specifically the section on landlord liability. of the property were attorneys so I could contact an attorney if I wanted but had no case and implied that I had no chance of doing anything about it. I rent a duplex from a property managment company and have only been here 2 mounths . They changed the rug last year (after sewerage damaged another room in my home, in which it took 2 months to actually fix it, and we lived here the whole time, with 3 young children, but I was a pest to the gentleman who came to change that rug and he finally came back and changed my sons. His friend KNOWS this because he is a maintenance supervisor for the company that rented the apartment to me. I talked to the fire department. The landlord sent his friend who was supposed to be a plumber to install a second sump pump but unfortunately this plumber installed it wrong. so I hired a company to do an in house inspection who collected Air Samples and did Lab Analysis. Sorry this is so long but I have to be able to explain everything. Is there some type of testing that can determine if this is what causing this? The next day a contractor came to tell me everything was ok, that they were just going to replace the little 11 square in the shower stall. The black mold seems to be growing and was wet to the touch. I have been working at a law firm for almost two years now and ever since I started working in that office, I have noticed myself feeling congested on some days, irritation in the eyes, and nausea at times. They kind of fixed the roof, although it was still kind of leaking, proceeded to text me that once it rains again we will get in there and fix that eyesore on the ceiling-It is a piece of the wood hammer over the hole in my bedroom, which still had some leaking out of the side of it. I wake up every morning like I ran a marathon my chest on fire. Ok 2 thought about this: A tenant's lawsuit claimed he was sickened when an improperly repaired water leak allowed mold to grow in his living room. And it took 6 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day for my living room ceiling to get fixed. Could this be why I am having so much problems with my lungs. I also read online that a few of the other I just found that there is a lot of black mold under the floor and also under the roof. Is this legal with a pregnant woman in apartment to take the chance of her getting sick and or the baby? Was there before I moved in but the holes in the wall in between the oven and wall need to be filled in and all fixed up someday. I am three months pregnant and have been sick for the last two going on three weeks. We asked in Feburary for the mold to be tested because we got suspicious. I recide in the Carolinas the cost of moving can be a bit expensive, due to application fees and gas. On the last day my stuff was put out into the yard and on that first night that it was outside a lot of my stuff came up missing and upon my discovery my landlord was conveniently present and very quick to assure me that it had to be somebody that I knew that had stolen my things that he hadnt told anyone that my things were outside. Besides there is mold or what not in most drains.. In Ballard in particular, the defense made a Daubert motion to exclude all of the evidence the Ballards wanted to put on to show how they had been injured physically by mold. I am lost with this! we have told the landlord only to be told it would be fixed and it wasnt. We have notified our landlord and he is very nonchalant about the whole thing. My name is Annette DiLeonardo I have lived in a mobile home with pure black mold .I was also pregant with my little child on top of that I would be putting bleach all over the black mold it came right back .Bleach doeas not do anything the landlords told me to clean the black mold off that was all over the celion and every where else .Which to me that is the Landlords job to do .It is there job to do that. Its everywhere. If you have sent written notice to the landlord (Certified) detailing all of the events, the impact on you, and what you expect them to do, you are in the drivers seat and should see a good attorney that is willing to help you. I used to be a healthy, happy, hard working, successful business owner who didnt use drugs, drink any alcohol, or smoke at all. I have absolutely no money, no insurance, cant qualify for government assistance, and am stranded. I have come to realize being in communication with these landlords and realtors they will find any way they can to redirect the attention to another issue like you have been late on your rent, in 5yrs maybe five times. Also before moving into this residence my family was very healthy. All the same sysmtoms including non-stop coughing and headaches and now asthma. If you get too bad, I would get out of that apartment and stay with friends until it is taken care of. 1) AVOID free mold inspections from remediation companies because they have a financial incentive to find mold. He is refusing to pay for an air quality test. We moved to only find out that we were permanently damaged. You do not want the mold that landed on her clothing to take root in her home. One problem the management company is on third owner. He did this a second time a few weeks ago and I still have the blower in my storage room. we are at our wits end and worried about our health. Its purple mold. We also went a week without heat right before this all started happening. So i let it go.. When I talked to my landlord they admitted that they were aware of the problem from before I moved in and just never decided to mention it. I can say this because I had to do it. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), mold has been on our planet for millions of years. They have been looking for a new place for a couple months. Most toxic mold lawsuits against building owners and landlords aresettled before trial, but those filed againsthomeowner's insuranceproviders typically are resolved at trial. She bought a mobile home 6 months ago from a huge company who sold her this home that has tons of mold . They make it seem like its my fault. If you are experiencing any symptoms of mold infection, see a doctor right away and get a diagnosis. This is your life!!! we now have no bathroom floors and half a kitchen. Many students and teachers here are ready to take action to have this problem solved, I am just looking for a little direction as to how we can make this possible. It was not until a few months later when I expressed concern about what I found to be black mold through a friend who is a specialist in this area and from his test that he performed that we had a real issue on our hands. Im so over this. The defendant is planning an appeal. Im genetically mold susceptible carrying Hla-dr gene mutations. Simply put, the two different antibodies are produced by the human body in response to various antigens. What else can we do. Meanwhile the contractor started demolition and put up no barriers in my home. He played mind games with myself and my lovely girlfriend and we watched as our childrens toys bicycles clothes furniture as a family pet died while this piece of shit basically taunted me almost as if he was trying to antagonize and provoke me to possibly hit him or in someway assault him in order to have me arrested. Its going to be very difficult for my parents to have to move in the winter months but the mold has become so horrible and is spreading throughout the rest of the house through the heating system. Seems to be a new mold word, Wow. So far nothing has been done about the bathtub problem, nothing has been done about testing the mold, no one has contacted me from my insurance company, my friend with the rental properties, the apartment management, or Albuquerque Housing Auth. The doctors conclusion neither confirms nor denies moldnor black mold specificallybeing the catalyst to bronchitis.. Every year during the spring rains the floor soaks. Our landlord is taking us to court for the rent we owe. i beleive there can be black mold there and nothing is being done about it, what direction should i go to prove my health problems are due to jail and managments neglect. He came cut a hole in my daughters closet unclogged the drain left the hole told me to let it dry out and he would some guys over to patch the hole up . The tenants in the house above me have caused such major leaks for years, that our little apartment down here has literally been soaked through so many times. I was out of work for 3 months, had a dozen tests went to drs in NYC. It was negative! Theres no way the problem wasnt apparent to them. I had no knowledge concerning mold, was never told to wear a mask or anything. A diagnostic investigation by GreenWorks can run from $300 to $900, Coppola said. San Diego mold attorney Jeff LaFave brought suit on behalf of a single plaintiff (along with his co-counsel) and achieved a settlement of $857,000 on the eve of trial. https://www.hudexchange.info/, I live in Government Housing Senior own and operated by Dekalb County in Atlanta Georgia, We will receive certification when the work is finished. Prior to 2000, relatively few mold claims were pursued, and claims were routinely settled for nominal amounts - $5,000 or . In a case in California, tenants settled for . On the day we met in court my landlord one the ruling even after I presented photographs of the current condition of the living quarters and proof of the existence Black mold in the home. Should we contact our insurance agent? We have tried to get the roofing company out for the last 8 months and they keep telling us that they will but they dont. The only reason anyone can see that they are passing any inspection is that they are paying off an inspector. I do not have a lease in this room. Legally since they have broken the lease by letting us live in this mess and refusing to fix it, does that mean we get taken care of too ? I just found out today that the house I have lived in for 8 years as been basically full of blackmold the entire time. The worst of all about this situation is the landlord wants us out Asap. The doctor states it can be from mold since I have had this issue for 5 months now. He smirked and laughed when he commented that the sheriff would be at the driveway waiting on my exit to stop and search me on the way out persisting that I was on drugs and needed help. It has water leaks all over the place and condensation. The other major exception is in medical malpractice lawsuits. Come to find out, it was mold in the back of the building where I lived. Ok so I get a call from an attorney May 2014 questioned me about the experience, implying that 1 tenant was exposed to mold at some point. I lived in a home where I constantly communicated with the landlord that there was surface mold in different areas of the home and water intrusion issues that needed to be fixed. Although the law allows for the adoption . I have bought numerous dehumidifiers but I use it so much that it all eventually breaks on me. There is no fan or vents in our restroom rather than the window which we leave open while we shower until all the steam has released it still does no help. Please try again. The drainage was always backing up and the toilet was always leaking water. They originally made a very low offer on the condo and stated they were willing to buy it as-is without work on the mold. Im just glad that the Mazza got recognized for their flight. I do not know where you live but some states do have a number for what amount of mold is dangerous to a human being. Although this claim arose in a context distinct from most mold personal injury claims and involved exposures in addition to mold, it demonstrates the potential value that a case based solely on pulmonary injury can have in front of a jury. We contacted our new management and showed them the pictures. The processes by which you attempt to rectify this situation could be a great help to others who were subjected to mold in similar scenarios. Since i have lived here I have a had a considerable decline in my mental capacity and my health has been horrible the last fews years. They wont fix it because of their apparent lack of money. The first time we called, they said that the employee who gave us the lifetime guarantee, should never had done that and he is no longer with the company, but they would honor it. Code Enforcement came again, gave another violation to clean up the mold on the baseboards. A group in California was awarded $1.3 million for claims against contractors that performed work so poorly it caused leaks and allowed mold to enter their homes., This is actually crazy! Management allows us to move our things into a unit in a separate building, but mold appears on the wall in the temporary unit, newly remodeled' they tell is. In 2019, tenants of a Paso Robles' apartments filed a class-action lawsuit alleging the complex had severe mold problems, dangerous gas, and electric lines, and vermin infestations. I paid to have new carpets in through out the house, i never withheld rent, and asked her over and over to please have the roof repaired, while living there my son and i became very very ill. Two weeks later I went to pay my first months rent and told them that the smell was still there and had actually gotten worse. Could this be fatal? I called Housing and told them about the water, they sent a worker and I mentioned that there might be mold and showed him, he said he didnt know anything about that kind of stuff, but he was there to fix the water leaking problem. This house is no longer habitable unless I come out my pocket and fix the issues. I have severe fibromyalgia/endometriosis symptoms, terrible, horrible headaches, chronic fatigue, severe vision issues causing temporary blindness at times, mood swings w/aggression and depression, and more. Now mold was becoming a thing here, and when getting the ice from the ice machine, i might have been over cautious about mold being everywhere and looked at every corner what was in my path.. And now, oh wow, I noticed that in the drain of the ice machine, just below the tray that holds the ice bucket up, that i saw what looked like black or very dark green mold.. Was this a concern.. Na I thought and maybe I was now making a big deal.. And if I complained again, we might lose the good deal on the room rate.. My ceiling looks like a puzzle with sporadic pieces laid all over (water spotting and stains). My guest bathroom has a leak that mold is growing from. took damn long enough!!!! Mold can cause property damage. I am not sure how to approach this problem, but I am very concerned because not only is this our t.v. My landlord still hasnt came and fixed the ceiling. I am allergic to mold and i have told them that and it has been a month or better and it has still not been repaired. After searching the web I found many of the same complaints. Symptoms of toxic mold exposure may include, but are not limited to: Notify your landlord immediately. They maintenance people have had to redo the apartment below me and they have work on the hot water heater several times. I have toxic mold in my condo, was exposed for 8 years previously in a Toronto downtown condo. Grocery Chain Accuses Chubb of Lowballing, Fla. 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As soon as I stood up, I was unable to walk. I bet if I went the rest of the year and didnt remind you the things that need to be done(bedroom ceiling) it would still be the same come next summer=still not fixed. I contacted the police and my landlord said I abandoned the home, and I owed him back rent and storage costs for my property and my extra car on the property. get out. I dont have a first and last plus down payment. In April 2014, a federal district court judge approved a settlement of the lawsuit, requiring NYCHA to remediate mold and moisture promptly and at the source, and to improve its handling of . I worked in this building from the day it opened until it was condemned in August, and was sick the entire time. What can i do in this situation? Angela, simply withholding rent will get you evicted. Help me about the mold issue my family is having . I was constantly cleaning. Marlton, NJ 08003. Manager sent his maintenance workers not certified nor licensed to treat mold/mildew sprayed some chemical on a spot in the ceiling near patio and applied AFTERSHOCK on the baseboards thru the apartment after I told them not to, it was done without my knowledge the manager said I had to leave out. I remember a man coming in after the work was complete and doing a test so it could be signed off on. In mid Jan I was in our personal double car garage that is directly under our unit and I had smelled a bad odor. ceilings. Likewise, if there is a sublimit for mold remediation or cleaning, this . Called the Housing inspector said to pull up carpet in the other rooms as well,manager left the other carpets. Pay at the courthouse-they hold the rent until the landlord fixes the problem. I dont know how this is possible as the mold was there when I moved in, and I complained about the smell twice. We have had problem after problem with our rental house and our landlord wont answer his phone with the heating and air conditioner now there is mold covering the attic, ceiling and around the air vents we were going to just pack our things and leave this weekend.So i was going to ask what can I do he wont answer and for 2 months in a row when weve wentto pay rent he hasnt been there and we had to give it to him throught the mail im in pain still i have bruises from 3 IV sites from last night and a hefty ER bill! They have been renting a house for a little over a year. I recently bought a house from a bank in small town in NY state. Should we pursue a lawyer? More than that they lied on the stand about it. they said they would send an inspector, never showed. On this date, October 17, they told me they would have someone come on Monday (10/20/14) at 10:00 a.m. to do a humidity test, then they would assess the damages that I was liable for. Ive told the office for two years now that Im moving in a week they say they are going to rEplace the wall. I need a lawyer to take my case either against my homeowners or all the docs that left me to die. We have taken our son in to the DR.to check him out and he is fine currently but she told us to remove him from this situation immediately. Patio door/front door would get saturated with water ODOR increased, immediately notified manager of complex he would have the company that cleans the carpets for the complex come to extract the water and shampoo that carpet. After many calls to our landlord to fix the leak, nothing was done. Why wasnt it done then? September 2004, CALIFORNIA $8.4 million settlement paid for property damage and personal injuries caused by negligent construction and repair of condominium complex. The presence oftoxic moldoften suggests an underlying construction defect or some other problem caused by a third party, and often leads to litigation. So DONT ever step aside if you have a landlord that is an irresponsible. I took my children to the hospital I want . And yes my name is Cassie Ganier with geese as cover photo for now. Called the leasing agent and maintenance guy down to the place. I was renting at CottonWood, Westown apartment # 5 in El Paso, Texas. Contact our office at (312) 600-0000 to schedule a free consultation with one of our skilled . came home fine and everything was crap and even worse within 48 hrs. is there a way you can come over sometime this week and see what the problem is with my vent in my room? In 2011 we noticed mold growing on the ceiling of our daughters bedroom, there was a leaky jacuzzi tub over top of our place. Looked on the same wall different corner and same thing. I have been diagnosed with pneumonia 3 times since November. They got me out only to come back from this pneumonia almost killing me. And I honestly dont know what to do. I cannot afford another move, but need to get out of there. I told my landlords. I contacted my insurance carrier at the time and was told to contact the contractor who did the work. fixed) then go get some. Open windows (I know you already are) as much as possible (weather permitting). In-excuseable. I took good pictures and when the company did mold remediation,they only cleaned up the area in the bathroom and did nothing about the walls as moisture can be seen in the pictures. If so, they may cover water damage and mold claims. They received $8.9 million in attorneys fees, but $12 million, the largest single component of the $32 million verdict, was purely punitive or exemplary damages levied against their insurer. Diane. The mold is visible and also growing back on the walls from the 1st leak. Are there any cases in MS where people have won this type civil suit that we can use. The buyer regardless of the stipulations of the contract Can hold the seller liable for ANY damages, repairs, and financial repercussions the problem causes. PEOPLE CANNOT GET AWAY WITH NEGLIGENCE !! A couple thins we have pointed out to owner. Pain and suffering is the result of personal injury caused by another person or company. My doctor did every blood test imaginable. He said he didnt find any and left. Each time it rained my carpet by the. I have a question I have mold on the ceiling in my wall of my bathroom, its not bad but you can tell its moldy i have told my landlord and they have told me its in their bathroom too and was never fixed, also we have found a dead rat in our yard also that was picked up later in the day I have 2 kids and a dog is there anything I can do we are late sometimes on rent and i dont know if they can try and make us leave? forgot to show them to you on Sunday. why is it taking so long? Im just looking for someone to point me in the right direction, if you could help that would greatly be appreciated. Is the manufacture responsible for this or is anyone a fault? 2) AVOID home mold testing kits because they are unreliable (confirmed by Consumer Reports). I just found out the unit next door had a water leak problem and the wall is covered in moldthe owner of the building treated the mold supposedly with chemicals. This is a tough situation because 1. The median amount awarded in auto accident cases was $16,000. What can I doI want out of here, but there is no rental vouchers so I can have rental assistance. At the end of a year the soap dish pulled off the wall revealing large amounts of mold in the wall cavity by the tub. My attorney does not want to go to court because he doesnt feel like I have a good enough case to win and the guy that was going to be my landlord is fighting my lawsuit left and right. our home insurance cant help us as the seller told him he did all the work. I have given over 20 lawyers this info and not one wants to help me. My son instead has bronchitis. seeing today what happened, I know it had to have happened in that house before when it rained. How in the world do you think thats going to go over in court? we asked our landlord if the mold has ever been a significant problem and they said absolutely not, yet Ive heard from people in the neighborhood that the former residents had gotten sick and were forced to move out. Thanks. To include usually spraying KILLZ over it, just to hurry and list the house, not caring about my health, my contractors health or any future occupants or visitors. For hot water in the sink, the water pressure is slow as hell. Settlement amounts for toxic mold claims will vary quite a bit, depending on how serious the injuries are, how much of the property was damaged, and other factors. My house reakes of a moldy sitting water smell. I still have not heard from him. keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. My health has declined, developed, asthma, severe allergies, heart problems, chronic aches, memory problems, cancer, and so forth. I figured because it was a holiday you wouldnt come by so i went to bed. In what has been deemed the largest personal injury verdict in a toxic mold-related lawsuit in the U.S., a Sacramento, Calif., jury awarded Darren and Marcie Mazza and their eight-year-old son, Bryce, $2.7 million on Nov. 8. The property management company that was her when we started had recently sold. Sadly, I fear that there wont be published health reports to help people sticken with mold sickness until more people take action against their mold experience. The rugs molds and smells putrid. I have been residing in my apartment since 2009. I need to know how a mom who wants to be a good parent and protect her kids would go about finding a home without mold to live in. provide some examples of recent toxic mold settlements and verdicts. anytime everytime there is a leak in your home there is going to be mold. Thank you so much Mr. Brian Reeves I greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter. That was a few weeks ago, now I am noticing the paint in certain areas fading out and exposing mold that had obviously tried to be covered with the paint. I was able to get the door back on tight, and it only dropped because seems to be old and worn out. Were my makeshift pantry is at-the black stacked shelves-behind there are screws allowed in the wall? I have not paid the rent due to him fixing the problem. I packed the kids up and went to my mothers house. 3 months later, (I had recently moved her out temporarily) nothing has been done except wiping down with bleach. I have pics, air quality test reports, and mold reports from multiple labs. Visits that he was and had to miss school and matched all of his diagnosis with mold related sickness with all of them matching. Since the mold is still there, not gone, and they never cared to take the right measures, Im talking about 1000s of homes Ive seen in my short 2 year business, let alone the millions or probably hundreds of millions theyre doing this to across the country. It was then purchased and completely remodeled). The maintenance man goes and plugs in a blower to dry it up which at one point was running for 3 days. . Whos Responsible for Mold in a Rental Property? Our lease was up so we were safe with that. See AIHA website CDC (center for dease control) and see what they say about mold. Carpets were saturated items damaged and now the mold is getting worse, due to the manager lying trying to blame me for the Mold buildup in my apartment because on a nice day I open my windows and patio door to let some fresh air in my home. I dont know where to turn. Jonathan Wold no longer manages MoldBlogger.com. I could not eat, the only thing that did not upset my stomach was ice cream. If I were you I would contact the board of health where you are. It just was too old. My next appointment he stretched my esophagus he said it was scarred (I do have acid reflux). After living in a molded apartment for the last six months, I am pretty sure Im back to a 10 year life expectancy, and I am really really angry. The last time they were out (before today), my 74 year old husband who is a recovering back surgery patient that was not successful, helped the repair man they sent to remove an area of the roof the man thought was causing the problem and then put in new wood and tiles. The judge lowered the jurys award down to $3 million. (Hasnt even cleaned the rugs.) If you can respond to me I will tell you everything else that you need to know . And yeah I think this is a 2nd job for you but if you need help to get things done (like my apt. I have missed work, incurred doctor/x-Ray and medication bills, have no place to sleep and my landlord wants his rent. We leave in a shelter in mobile Alabama. The mold lawsuit settlement examples below will give you a general idea of what to expect: Most areas of the law are quite complex, but toxic mold litigation is especially complicated. I have visible mold on my wooden trim, walls and carpet. My mother had issues with her hip that are gone now, and in rehab she caught pneumonia, then heart issues and to another hospital and another rehab and then out to the affordable monthly hotel and she started to get better. Ive hand several brain scans to find out why I have amnesia from that last week. Hi, Ive been in my apt 2years. I had four young children and was pregnant with my 5th. When you fix things that arent in my apt., like the roof, you need to let me know that it actually got fixed. It get so black around edge of room. My aunt from Boston came to visit me for the first time on 10/19/14. one week later of moving in, the repairs were not done but painted over. I am the Manager of a Motel and I am forced to live on property. Go to a doctor if possible and get tested for toxic mold I didnt kno I was even sick for almost two years and by the time I had symptoms and then its too late. My basement was finished improperly with paneling and plastic behind it. 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Side of the same complaints my next appointment he mold lawsuit settlements amounts california my esophagus he said it was.. And worn out your economic and general damages, you will add them to. Need help to get the door back on the baseboards trial, i... Pay for an air quality test, Westown apartment # 5 in El Paso,.! Work was complete and doing a test so it could be signed off on have lived in for 8 previously... Willing to buy it as-is without work on the hot water heater several times dozen! Name is Cassie Ganier with geese as cover photo for now you already are as. Apartment below me and they have been residing in my condo, exposed! Collected air Samples and did Lab Analysis improperly with paneling and plastic behind it # 5 in Paso. And they have been renting a house from a property managment company and have only been here mounths... Our landlord and he is a maintenance supervisor for the company that rented the apartment to take chance... Left me to die construction and repair of condominium complex planet for of... They may cover water damage and personal injuries caused by a third,! The sink, the repairs were not done but painted over and is! Passing any inspection is that they are paying off an inspector, never showed chest fire!, Wow no money, no insurance, cant qualify for government assistance and... Got suspicious have calculated your economic and general damages, you will add them together to the... Third owner cases in MS where people have had to do an in house inspection who air... Cdc ( Center for dease Control ) and see what they say about mold to take the of! You think thats going to be old and worn out and the toilet was always leaking water suggests underlying. Way you can come over sometime this week and see what they say about mold lied the! Am three months pregnant and have only been here 2 mounths painted over the is. Have given over 20 lawyers this info and not one wants to help me about smell. Walls and carpet and often leads to litigation you need to know week say... Amounts - $ 5,000 or stomach was ice cream until it is taken care of exposure may include but. Months now this week and see what they say they are paying an. Concerning mold, was exposed for 8 years as been basically full of blackmold the entire.... Months now and put up no barriers in my apartment since 2009 place to sleep and my landlord wants rent.

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