14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. Depending on your preconceptions you may see the eroded remnant of a sandstone fin, a giant engagement ring cemented in rock, a bow-legged pair of petrified cowboy chaps, a triumphal arch for a procession of angels, an illogical geologic freak, a happening a something that happened and will never happen quite that way again, a frame more significant than its picture, a simple monolith eaten away by weather and time and soon to disintegrate into a chaos of falling rock (not surprisingly there have been some, even in the Park Service, who advocate spraying Delicate Arch with a fixative of some sort Elmers Glue perhaps or Lady Clairol Spray-Net). Here too a stream is flowing, much smaller than the other, through smoothly sculptured grooves, scoops and potholes in the rock. Well no, I didnt. The verb greet is also significant, as it conveys the idea that the sun is a human shaking hands with Abbey. Down below is the White Rim; deeper still is the gorge of the Colorado; off to the right is the defile of the Green River; looking past Junction Butte we can see the barren point where the two rivers join to begin the wild race through Cataract Canyon; beyond the confluence lies the wilderness of the Needles country, known to only a few cowboys and uranium prospectors; on the west side of the junction is another labyrinth of canyons, pinnacles and fins of naked stone, known to even fewer, closer than anything else in the forty-eight United States to being genuine. After that came a swim in the pool beneath a great waterfall nearby, 120 feet high, which rolled in mist and thunder over caverns and canopies of solidified travertine. It is where we came from, and something we still recognize as our starting point: Standing there, gaping at this monstrous and inhuman spectacle of rock and cloud and sky and space, I feel a ridiculous greed and possessiveness come over me. I sit down to rest, daydreaming of iced limeade, chilled tomato juice, Moorish fountains. I check the garbage can for trapped chipmunks, pick up a few bottlecaps, and inspect the sanitary facilities, where all appears to be in good order: roll of paper, can of lime, black widow spiders dangling in their usual strategic corners. Suppose, I say to myself, you were out here hungry, starving, no weapon but your bare hands. of the most spectacular of the three bridges. Darkness sets in before I can go very far. If necessary weve got enough food for two days. Far beyond these hundreds of square miles of desiccated tableland rise the sheer walls of further great mesas comparable in size and elevation to the one we stand on; and beyond the mesas are the mountains the Abajos and Elk Ridge forty miles south, the La Sals and Tukuhnikivats forty miles east, the Henrys fifty miles southwest. . In all my years in the canyon country I have yet to see a rock fall, of its own volition, so to speak, aside from floods. There are many such places. After the necessary soporific smoke and a weary conversation we unroll our sleeping bags and go to bed. The trail to Rainbow Bridge, passing close by, is rough, rocky, primitive. Id speak a sentence and wait about ten minutes for the next thought and speak again. Or only teamwork again good sportsmanship? Husk accepted the bottle and drank but soon afterwards was saying things which made Mr. Graham sit very still, very quiet, with a look on his face which frightened the boy. Watching the sky I see shooting stars, blue-green and vivid, course across the narrow band of sky between the canyon walls. Men come and go, cities rise and fall, whole civilizations appear and disappear the earth remains, slightly modified. A small dark cloud no bigger than my hand. Theres a horse living up that canyon, I announced; a wild horse. Why dont you answer me, Moon-Eye? Some of my liberalized friends regard the LDS with disdain; they see in the Church only a bastion of sectarian foolishness and political reaction and in its adherents a voting bloc of Know-Nothings, racially prejudiced, religiously bigoted, opposed alike to the graduated income tax, the United Nations, urban renewal, foreign aid, legislative reapportionment, public welfare, Medicare and even free lunches for schoolchildren actually or potentially a rabble of John Birchers. Abbeys cohabitation with mice introduces the idea that human beings and animals are equal creatures. I like my job. All that I can be certain of at this moment is that the sun is down, for there is Venus again, planet of beauty and joy, glowing bright and clear in the western sky, low on the horizon, brilliant and steady and serene. Again the fire begins to fail. Johnny and I wait in the shade of the truck. Half an hour later were down on the sandy floor of the canyon and inside The Maze. Abbey obsessively tracks him down one day, and when he finds him, he and the horse enter a standoff that lasts hours. Glad to get out of the Land Rover and away from the gasoline fumes, I lead the way on foot down the Flint Trail, moving what rocks I can out of the path. Theres only one man in Moab who claims to have been there, a garage mechanic named Bundy, so we pay him a visit. From here it looks as if it might go. When I reach one of the islandlike areas of solid rock in the midst of the scree I lie down for a while to catch my breath and examine at close range, six inches, the buttercups, the Sticky Polemonium, the moss campion (lovely name) and the miniature alpine violets with their flowers no bigger than the head of a thumbtack. We are indeed enjoying a very intimate relation with the river: only a layer of fabric between our bodies and the water. The river carries us past more side canyons, each of which I inspect for signs of a trail, a clue to Rainbow Bridge. The water is gushing over roots, splashing among stones. All blown up like he is, youd think hed float like a balloon., What about lunch? somebody asks; Im hungry., Whyd the bastard have to go so far from the road?, Theres something leaking out that zipper., Never mind, lets try to get in step here, the sheriff says. But that would be a job for Mackie and Roy, not for me; for me tomorrow meant a return to sentry duty at the entrance of the Monument, the juniper guard and the cloud-formation survey. Overlay the nation with a finely reticulated network of communications, airlines and interstate. As the sun goes down and we drift on through the smoky-blue twilight and the birdcalls I keep the Escalante in mind, one eye skinned for the likely. If we had loved him we would sing, dance, drink, build a stupendous bonfire, find women, make love for under the shadow of death what can be wiser than love, to make love, to make children? Drouth and starvation? All one to me sandstorm or sunshine I am content, so long as I have something to eat, good health, the earth to take my stand on, and light behind the eyes to see by. Imperturbable as the river itself, tranquil as the sky overhead, he puffs on his corncob pipe, limping back and forth between the truck and the launching point with canned goods and bedrolls. We divide the box of raisins and the last of the dried apricots. I climb down and up the other side and help myself to one of the tins someone has left there, collecting water under the dripping moss. These notes remained unpublished for almost a decade while Abbey pursued other jobs and attempted with only moderate success to pursue other writing projects, including three novels which proved to be commercial and critical failures. What follows is the record of a last voyage through a place we knew, even then, was doomed. Coming near the edge of the snowfield I find running water close to the surface, visible among the rocks. I shuffled through the sand, over the rocks, around the prickly pear and the spiny hedgehog cactus. There is no moon tonight. They propose schemes of inspiring proportions for diverting water by the damful from the Columbia River, or even from the Yukon River, and channeling it overland down into Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Hard booze is not sold across the bar except in the semiprivate clubs. Nor even standard beer. Ugly brutes, bound for a summer in the high meadows and then the slaughter house too bloody good for them, I was thinking. Nothing happens. Those who read this will, I hope, understand and forgive me; the others will not mind. Thinking. If we can climb the ridge to the maroon bench above the Cutler, we might be able to traverse laterally to the opening in the white rim through which we had originally descended. That is no office for a friend. One might as well argue that science, meaning technology, has actually reduced the average mans life expectancy to about fifteen minutes the time it takes an ICBM to cover the distance between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. The boy certainly appeared to be quite dead. When the sun went down the village went dark except for kerosene lamps here and there, a few open fires, and a number of lightning bugs or fireflies which drifted aimlessly up and down Main Street, looking for trouble. And old Roy? Such a policy is desirable because farmers, woodsmen, cowboys, Indians, fishermen and other relatively self-sufficient types are difficult to manage unless displaced from their natural environment. He dragged the body into the cab of the truck and slammed shut the doors. Perhaps these stone walls served as community bulletin boards, a form of historical record-keeping, a newspaper rock whereon individuals carved and painted their clan or totemic signatures. I put the boots back on; water or no water, my feet have suffered enough. You can see a photograph of what I did in Eliot Porters beautiful book on Glen Canyon. Of course it would be a serious blow to Industrial Tourism and would be bitterly resisted by those who profit from that industry. Beyond the Moab valley is more canyon and tableland stretching away to the Blue Mountains fifty miles south. I was too hot and tired at first even to care about food or water. I stepped closer. The descent begins. Very attractive. A single motorboat could easily circumnavigate the lake in an hour; ten motorboats would begin to crowd it; twenty or thirty, all in operation, would dominate the lake to the exclusion of any other form of activity; and fifty would create the hazards, confusion, and turmoil that make pleasure impossible. Cowboys and Indians disappear, dying off or transforming themselves by tortuous degrees into something quite different. Nobody comes to drink. In the year 1572 a temporary star appeared near this constellation bright enough to be seen in full sunshine, throwing all the Christians of Europe into uproar. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. If industrialism per se seems an unlikely answer to the problems of the Navajo (and most of the other tribes) there still remains industrial tourism to be considered. The night is cold, perhaps freezing should I drain the radiator? I climbed through the caves that led down to the foot of Mooney Falls, 200 feet high. The word suggests the past and the unknown, the womb of earth from which we all emerged. Uploaded by We argued all night long. On Friday I inspect the campgrounds, haul firewood, and distribute the toilet paper. The river at this point is so steady and serene that the can of drinking water hardly trembles, though its balanced on a rounded surface. Both Abbey and this book are all of these and more. It is a region more difficult to traverse than the Alps or the Himalayas, but if strength and courage are sufficient for the task, by a years toil a concept of sublimity can be obtained never again to be equaled on the hither side of Paradise.. Lying on my back on the smooth sandstone beside the pool I notice a fingerlike ridge that juts into the canyon from the base of the main wall under the plateau above. No doubt for the last time. Abbey outlines several steps that would solve the problem of Industrial Tourismnamely, to confine parking areas to the outskirts of parks, to stop all new paved roads in the parks, and to employ more rangers in the field to help with increased foot traffic. Then he died. Pretty soft. The extreme clarity of the desert light is equaled by the extreme individuation of desert life-forms. As anyone knows who has tried to carve his name in rock, the task requires persistence, patience, determination and skill. But as he tumbled from the fast-moving truck the inside door handle, projecting forward, slipped into the open pocket of his jacket. It is not entirely their fault if the need remains far greater than tribal resources can satisfy. The photographs, Before & After, prove it. My Saturday night campfire talks are brief and to the point. Leaving the coffee to percolate slowly over the lowest possible flame, I take my cherrywood and go for a walk before breakfast. After six months in the desert I am volunteering for a winter of front-line combat duty caseworker, public warfare department in the howling streets of Megalomania, U.S.A. Mostly for the sake of private and selfish concerns, truly, but also for reasons of a more general nature. In the washes are flintshards, edges scalloped with marks of secondary chipping man-made. Abbey provides detailed inventories and observations of the life of desert plants, and their unique adaptations to their harsh surroundings, including the cliffrose, juniper, pinyon pine, and sand sage. But am not. I want to be able to look at and into a juniper tree, a piece of quartz, a vulture, a spider, and see it as it is in itself, devoid of all humanly ascribed qualities, anti-Kantian, even the categories of scientific description. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Again. eh? Drank it all, except a few drops which I poured on my fingers and dabbed on my aching forehead. In this first chapter, Abbey offers his first impressions of his new, temporary environs. Somnolence a heaviness in the air, a chill in the sunlight, an oppressive stillness in the atmosphere that hints of much but says nothing. I follow them for a short distance, still plagued by curiosity, before remembering my place and the requirements of common courtesy. Great big yellow mule-ear sunflowers are blooming along the dirt road, where the drainage from the road provides an extra margin of water, a slight but significant difference. How they could have made such a discovery without poisoning themselves to death nobody knows; but then nobody knows how so-called primitive man made his many other discoveries. To make the distinction unmistakably clear: Civilization is the vital force in human history; culture is that inert mass of institutions and organizations which accumulate around and tend to drag down the advance of life; Civilization is Giordano Bruno facing death by fire; culture is the Cardinal Bellarmino, after ten years of inquisition, sending Bruno to the stake in the Campo di Fiori; Civilization is mutual aid and self-defense; culture is the judge, the lawbook and the forces of Law & Ordure; Civilization is uprising, insurrection, revolution; culture is the war of state against state, or of machines against people, as in Hungary and Vietnam; Civilization is tolerance, detachment and humor, or passion, anger, revenge; culture is the entrance examination, the gas chamber, the doctoral dissertation and the electric chair; Civilization is the Ukrainian peasant Nestor Makhno fighting the Germans, then the Reds, then the Whites, then the Reds again; culture is Stalin and the Fatherland; Civilization is Jesus turning water into wine; culture is Christ walking on the waves; Civilization is a youth with a Molotov, cocktail in his hand; culture is the Soviet tank or the L.A. cop that guns him down; Civilization is the wild river; culture, 592,000 tons of cement; Civilization flows; culture thickens and coagulates, like tired, sick, stifled blood. A little after noon, when the surface of the river is gleaming under the sun like molten amber, we see an abandoned mining camp ahead of us on the eastern shore. I slept well that night and the next day carried the cot to the place and made it my permanent bedroom for the rest of July and all of August. A few birds dart about: black-throated sparrows, the cliff swallows, squawking magpies in their handsome academic dress of black and white. The ravens cry out in husky voices, blue-black wings flapping against the golden sky. Of helpless outrage. The yucca is bizarre not only in appearance but in its mode of reproduction. He learns this about himself in a debate one night with a mysterious tourist, J. Prometheus Birdsong, who praises humanitys technological and medicinal achievements, to Abbeys great frustration. Leslie McKees wife, a sweet and kindly woman and a pillar of the Church, tells me that she has unilaterally. For instance, consider an unfortunate accident which took place only a week ago here in the Arches country. When I heard a faint sound over my shoulder I looked and saw a file of deer watching from fifty yards away, three does and a velvet-horned buck, all dark against the sundown sky. The solitary owl called. He brought with him his young and pleasant-looking (if somewhat thin and anxious) second wife, his eleven-year-old son Billy-Joe, and two little girls younger than the boy. He didnt come back that night. Even if I burned my clothing the chances of the smoke being seen by some Hualapai Indian high on the south rim were very small; and if he did see the smoke, what then? Let our people travel light and free on their bicycles nothing on the back but a shirt, nothing tied to the bike but a slicker, in case of rain. Carnotite, a greenish-yellow ore, is a complex mineral containing radon gas, vanadium and uranium. The desert storm is over and through the pure sweet pellucid air the cliff swallows and the nighthawks plunge and swerve, making cries of hunger and warning and who knows? Later the children showed him the pool up in the canyon below the spring. ), TV? Next time I come this way, I think (and may it be soon!) Hire a crew of pretty girls, call them rangerettes, let them sell the tickets and give the campfire talks. The water does not flow very far before disappearing into the air and under the ground. The massive forms jostle and grate, ions collide, and the sound of thunder is heard over the sun-drenched land. First descent into The Maze, writes Waterman in the book, though we cannot be absolutely certain of this. I rode on. I thought of tearing my clothes into strips and plaiting a rope. Beyond the grass the pale trunks of the aspens stand in serried formation, thick as corn, blue-white and ghostly, their leafy crowns in perpetual motion. Flowers curl up. The ease and relative freedom of this lovely job at Arches follow from the comparative absence of the motorized tourists, who stay away by the millions. Now weve mentioned quicksand. Sold. But now, in April, well take the opposite, that hour beginning with the sunrise. At last he surrendered and passed through his pain into a deeper state of bliss. Get out of that mud, I said, and lets get out of here. There is a corresponding excitement in the sky: the storm that has seemed potential for days is gathering above in definite form wild gray scuds of vapor, anvil-headed cumuli-nimbi, rumbles of thunder coming closer. Come back here! I shout. The wind moans a dreary tune under the overhanging coves, among the holes in the rock, and through the dead pinyon pines. And its a wide river this time of the year. Well theyre no chickens here, I said. Vishnu? Throughout the afternoon the mountains are wrapped in a storm of clouds, a furious battleground. The livestock interests and their hired mercenaries from the Predator Control Agency have pursued all of these animals with unremitting ferocity and astonishing cruelty for nearly a century, utilizing in this campaign of extermination everything from the gun and trap to the airplane and the most ingenious devices of chemical and biological warfare. Sometimes, however, they are forced to cross quicksand to reach water, or are driven across, and then the cattleman may have an unpleasant chore on his hands. There must have been many who were glad to quit. The silence is complete. He vows not to apply human-centric language to nature, hoping to bring himself closer to it and to understand its mysteries more clearly. Nothing but the immense talus slopes of loose, jumbled, broken slabs, a few islands of tundra, and up the middle a long couloir partly filled with snow. John De Bris? 1:00. What has happened in these particular areas, which I chance to know a little and love too much, has happened, is happening, or will soon happen to the majority of our national parks and national forests, despite the illusory protection of the Wilderness Preservation Act, unless a great many citizens rear up on their hind legs and make vigorous political gestures demanding implementation of the Act. If you wish to see it as it should be seen, dont wait theres little time. His logic may be airtight but his argument, far from revealing the delusions of living experience, only exposes the limitations of logic. First things first. At any rate I am troubled no more by rattlesnakes under the door. My feet are wet and cold. You may find shards of pottery. 2 pages at 400 words per page) View a FREE sample Afterwards as we pack and load the boats, sun coming up over the rim, we begin to feel the familiar terrible desert thirst. Not an easy decision. They smile. Where they came from, how they got into the trailer, how they survived before my arrival (for the trailer had been locked up for six months), these are puzzling matters I am not prepared to resolve. Sticky Polemonium has an engaging sound. Despite such unfair competition the more persevering among the amateur prospectors, climbing over the landscape with their cheap little Geiger counters in hand, sometimes succeeded in finding a source of radiation all their own. Or so I am informed by Merle and Floyd. I am alone but loneliness has passed like a shadow, has come and is gone. I drove down, across, up the other side and on into the night. Therefore let us behave accordingly. After Delicate Arch the others are anticlimactic but I go on to inspect them, as Im paid to do. Make a fire, put water on to boil for tea, lay thick slices of bacon tenderly across the grill. Actually there are not supposed to be true rapids in Glen Canyon only riffles. But its been a dry winter, the river is low, the rocks high. They found him sitting on the ground hammering feebly at an ancient can of beans, trying to open the can with a stone. To vary my diet I ordered more exotic foods by telephone from the supermarket in Grand Canyon Village and these were shipped to me by U.S. Mail, delivered twice a week on muleback down the fourteen-mile trail from Topocoba Hilltop. MichaelDecker55. Mesmerized by sun and loneliness. This park will be difficult to protect under heavy visitation, and for years it was understood that it would be preserved in a primitive way so as to screen out those tourists unwilling to drive their cars over some twenty miles of dirt road. And then comes another thought. Before they could raise the money to finance a mining operation it was necessary to have core samples taken in order to assay the quality and the extent of the uranium deposit. After reaching the canyon rim, they rappel into the canyons below, where they explore the untouched rock formations and debate the usefulness of language. We discuss the matter. One afternoon during the last week in August Mr. Graham sat in his office checking the action of the small pistol which he kept in his desk. On the crest of the flood as it came, above the churning debris of bushes, vines, weeds and logs, floated a delicate and rosy vapor, a fine pink mist suffused with the glow of sunlight. The sun burns in a lovely, perfect sky; the day is very hot. But here was planting, of a sort the variety known in the industry as salting and many investors, betrayed by their greed, were taken for a jolly ride. The A.E.C. And to that suggestion I instantly agree; of course why name them? We are preoccupied with time. Roys station wagon was parked near the stockpens. A shameless, The two gopher snakes are nearly identical in length and coloring; I cannot be certain that either is actually my former household pet. The warm, thick fluid came up and closed over my head as my feet touched the muck at the bottom. More secure are those who live in and around the deserts few perennial waterholes, those magical hidden springs that are scattered so austerely through the barren vastness of the canyon country. I place both Floyd and Merle under arrest at once, urging them to stay and have supper with me. Naked as Adam in the Bible, Abbey enters a dreamlike existence, almost forgetting that he is distinct from the surrounding trees. He also concludes that its inherent emptiness and meaninglessness serve as the ideal canvas for human philosophy absent the distractions of human contrivances and natural complexities. Balanced on a point of equilibrium, hesitating, the world of the high desert turns toward summer. And after a pause Billy-Joe heard Mr. Graham say a thing about his new mother his fathers new wife that was strange and ugly. Nowhere have we seen a trace of the white man or of his horse or cow or helicopter. In the silence I heard quite clearly the buzzing of individual flies down by the creek, the shake and whisper of the dry cottonwood leaves, the bright tinkling song of a canyon wren. Again I had to dismount and go in on foot, fighting my way through the brush and clouds of gnats and the vicious yellow-backed flies. I dreamed of water and wondered if it would be worth the effort to dig a hole through the ceramic mud of the canyon floor. Much the same could be said of the tamarisk down in the canyon, of the blue-black raven croaking on the cliff, of your own body. One more expression of human vanity. Flux and influx, the final visitation of the season, they come in herds, like buffalo, down from The City. Petroglyphs are carved in the rock; pictographs are painted on the rock. He is short, dark and savage, like most good Basques, with large brown glamorous eyes which seem to appeal to the ladies; from fourteen to forty-five he pursues them all, and if I can believe his lies, makes out with every one. Navajo poverty can be cured and in one way or the other through justice or war it will be cured. In trying to isolate this peculiarity, if it exists at all and is not simply an illusion, we must beware of a danger well known to explorers of both the micro- and the macrocosmic that of confusing the thing observed with the mind of the observer, of constructing not a picture of external reality but simply a mirror of the thinker. Continue military conscription. I swim across it, following a turn in the narrow canyon, here no more than ten feet wide, and emerge beyond into a curving tunnel of rock with running water on its floor. I come this way, I announced ; a wild horse surrounding trees of the snowfield I find running close! 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