The air is roilina with dust kicked up from the collapse of the earth; it is humid and smells putrid, chokinB you. These people were the Olman. 1. Tournament Beginnings. Download now. I have drawn upon the efforts of others in writing this conversion and I would like to acknowledge them. Even on a success, the character only gets a rough sense of what is being said. Kefi for this info). The gas has two important effects on the environment: it creates a lightly obscured area throughout the affected areas, and it deals recurring poison damage every hour. Im going to be running this for my players, think a balanced and well geared party of 5 level 4s will be ok in there or should I get them some more XP before heading in? T he Hidden Shrine ofTamoachan is one such temple. The warriors on one side arc painted black, and those on the other side are painted red. Blue monochrome cover, bagged (not bound), Version Publisher. The design of the temple draws heavily on Mayan and Aztec/Toltec mythology and society. 2023 Wizards. The inclusion of the complete tournament info would be the main element that tied together the competition series of adventures. In addition, all doors have hp 80, AC/Reflex 4, and Fortitude 12. Staff copies This is some really cool backstorybut since players were meant to try and get past it (either by setting it on fire or turning it) theyre not likely to learn much about it. 81MB Short rests were allowed, but with the understanding that each one would come with poison damage. Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox. There is no sian of the sky above. Level 8 Skirmisher Medium natural animate HP 86; Bloodied 4 3 AC 22, Fortitude 19, Reflex 22, Will19 Speed 7 Immune force, miss effects XP 350 Initiative +11 Perception +5 Darkvision STANDARD ACTIONS CD life-Draining Touch (necrotic)+ At-Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC Hit: The target loses a healing surge, or hit points equal to its healing surge value if it has no more healing surges. Third: Monochrome. This material is covered by a Creative Commons 4.0 license. Thats bad design, guys. PCs check in, but they dont check out. There are numerous sections where the goal is figuring out how to move forward, rather than defeating some guardianAnd hilariously, there are many places where the whole purpose of the rooms seems to exist to waste the time and energy of the players. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Shipping was much faster with this one, than others. Paizo returned to Tamoachan for 3e in "The Sea Wyvern's Wake," the third adventure in their Savage Tide adventure path. This module was originally used for the Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons tournament at Origins '79, and is the first in the Competition Series. Stumblina throuah afen, you race toward hiaher around ahead. A First Job. Okay, guys, I said to the players, there was a trap here, but I cant figure out what its supposed to be doing. A registry of known The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is an adventure for 5th-7th level players that takes them through some ruins found in the distant Amedio Jungle, near the abandoned city of Tamoachan. download 1 file . Ghost Tower of Inverness. Marketing Manager: Mars Garrett This opening scene assumes much. Road map. Read more, 277 Yes, the map is a bit murky- but it's useable. Roll initiative.. As far as Area 42, I think its not so much a confusion with the lower levels gas, but that there isnt actually any gas at all there but youre telling the players that there is. Sixth (1983+): Dark brown, color cover. Seven maps at 70 DPI ready for online use. There's also a peculiar connection in C1 to a later Greyhawk adventure. But it's probably just a fun easter egg. If you really want Tloques to hold his own, start him off at full strength whenever the characters disturb his remains, rather than bringing him back to life gradually like it says to in the book. Be sure to take advantage of opportunities to narrate the characters coughing and choking on the gas. 11 of Tamoachan (note the change in title) with a pastel (monochrome) brown Or as the module puts it: Originally designed for tournament play, The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan is a test of the skill and common sense of players. Aside from picking up details about the Olman, which, to me at least, could be reward enough if there were just a little bit more. download 1 file . As you aet closer, you realize that what you thouaht were CraBBY hills is an ancient stone pyramid choked with creepers and carpeted with moss. Is your group up for the challenge ofTamoachan? "[5] He continued: "The shrine has two entrances, but the rules are written based on the assumption that you enter through the tournament entrance. But 5th Edition is all about finding a storyor at least adding a little bit more detail to the world. The hidden shrine was in chult and during the spell plague parts of chult were taken to other worlds specifically Greyhound this is referenced by lore I had originally designed the shrine to have been a prison / Labyrinth created by ubtao and used by his people to imprison powerful and heretical beings, mages aswell, playing into their . One-click unsubscribe later if you don't enjoy the newsletter. Johnson's next adventure for TSR was another tournament: A2: "Secret of the Slavers Stockade" (1981). classic 1980 adventure. So, you might get a random roll in room 3, and a poison roll at room 6, and another random roll in room 9, and so forth. Three costumed warriors stand nearby, one dressed as a couatl, one as a bear, and one as a coyote. The item that enemy drops is also crazy. I found that what really amounted to a re-imagining (as . 7 This adventure introduces the nereid and (more notably) the "gibbering mouther.". There are more traps and puzzles than combat encounters in this module-if you have players who prefer solving puzzles to slinging swords, this module will suit them nicely. Be the first one to, Tsr 09032 C 1 The Hidden Shrine Of Tomoachan, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Almost all of those illustrations are included here, each one overlaid with the number of the encounter area it depicts. do not have any writing in the upper left corner, Unknown amount of Complementary Copies (spelled wrong). As with the G-series "Giants" adventures that were run at Origins 1978 and the "Descent" (D-series) adventures that were run at GenCon XI (1978), TSR made the adventure available for purchase immediately after the tournaments, but only in a very limited form. C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Sorry about that, but I did try. The module was the first to introduce players to the Olman culture of the World of Greyhawk, a society loosely based on Aztec, Mayan, and other sources. [10] According to Denmead, "the whole dungeon is trap-o-palooza, and it's really important to listen, pay attention, and always assume that when something looks too good to be true, you're probably dead already, so go ahead and grab it."[10]. If you have experienced players, I think you should be OK with a 4th level party. Year Published. [2] The 1981 version consisted of a forty-page booklet with an outer folder and a color cover. I recently uploaded maps for C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan to DMs Guild. So submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, I present to youthe Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Surviving examples of this version are rare and prized by collectors.[6]. Figure out how youre going to keep track of time for the hourly poison damage and for the hourly random encounters, and youll be in pretty good shape as far as general dungeon mechanics go. Make both of these kinds of checks for the player. In addition to the numbered Nope. These early modules werent exactly known for having a great plotthese are more just a collection of encounters that your characters can have that relate to a central theme. Fourth (1980-81): Dark brown, color cover, with cover I read that trap as a seesaw-type thing. Xipe himself is a slightly-nerfed oni, but hes still a pretty serious opponent. 4MB -Stephen Radney-MacFarland Credits Art Director Kate Irwin Original Design Harold Johnson and Jeff R. Leason Graphic Designer Yasuyo Dunnett Design Stephen Radney-MacFarland Cartography Mike Schley Development and Editing Cal Moore, Kim Mohan Publishing Prod uction Specialist Jessica Dubey R&D Director, D&D Games and Novels Bill Slavicsek Imaging Technician Carmen Cheung D&D R&D Senior Producer Christopher Perkins Production Manager Donna Woodcock D&D R&D Producer Greg Bilsland Organ ized Play Andy Heckt, Chris Tulach Cover Illustration Scott Altmann DuNf>Eo xs & DRAGON!i, D&D. This title was added to our catalog on January 22, 2013. However in order to do that, theyll have to make their way through a trap-filled temple filled with fiendish foes, including two forgotten Demigods, a giant crab and more. Walls, Doors, and Ceilings: Unless noted otherwise, the walls and doors in the shrine are made of stone. Enough said about that. Most unusual for Greyhawk modules, the adventure therefore references Aztec gods such as Quetzalcoatl and others. Although Zotzilaha does not inhabit the shrine, his servants linger here, waiting to be freed, or to feast upon those who seek to plunder the temple. Error: No match for email address or password. When the dust settles, you see a rectanaular chamber of rouah-hewn stone blocks stretchina before you. back cover bottom left, Product Number back cover bottom right. The lower levels of the shrine, from areas 1 to 38, are filled with poisonous gas. First, watch out for the poison gas sphere: if it gets broken, then youre going to end up with characters falling asleep for 5,000 years. See also the other "Collector's Edition" module, Each diorama features an aspect of ancient Olman life and contains an Olman spirit (Arcana DC 16 to detect primal energy, but not its exact nature). Once, and once only, when that character would suffer a fatal blow, the death servant (which has unbeknownst to the characters merged with their shadows) will materialize and push the character out of harms way. Roost of the Conch ..Page 5 7. It appeared in Dungeon #141 (December 2006). Seems like a neutral-evil couatl thing to do. 7 Olman Spirits Diorama in the Dome: This diorama shows an Olman hunting party made up of warriors and dogs hunting stags and wild cats. Surviving means escaping as quickly as possible. In the temple, a priest handles a snake. But as far as I can tell, the module doesnt care if you get treasure. These cave-ins do not create passages out of the lower chambers. Topics . It is also the key to the chamber's only door. Great review. He felt that the recommended levels of 5th-7th was a bit unrealistic, as the lower level characters would have a very hard time in the shrine, and felt that 6th-8th level characters would have a reasonable chance of success. 95 Poisonous Gas: The lower chambers of the shrine (the entirety of areas l through 25) are filled with a slow-acting but deadly poisonous gas, the effects of which the characters will immediately realize. When first released, it was probably TSR's 11th adventure, its final monochrome-covered adventure, and just the third adventure written by someone other than Gary Gygax. Remember that players forget about recurring effects really easily, so keep reminding them about this one, for flavor and mechanics. Is there any chance of ever seeing a PDF of the original tournament "Lost Tamoachan"? Maybe they even say well, we give up, lets sit down and wait to die, and then they sit down and dont die because there was never any poison gas to begin with. If you plan on using the random encounters table, make sure you agree with what encounters are likely. Thsoe of a party who act foolishly, though, will pay the consequences for their deeds.. Long rests will be almost impossible, because 8d6 poison damage all at once should be plenty to kill 5th-level characters. This module contains a challenging setting as well as an original scoring system and an assortment of pre-rolled characters for adventuring. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan was the first module to introduce the Olman to the world of Greyhawk. This book was written by Harold Johnson and Jeff R. Leason, was printed as a 32-page book and an eight-page book with an outer-folder and a two-color cover illustrated by Erol Otus, and featured illustrations by Otus and Darlene Pekul. at Origins 1979. Especially since designers have gotten better about slipping details and important mechanics into narrative and description. "[4] He felt that the treasures were skimpy, and that Dungeon Masters running the adventure as part of a campaign would need to increase the total value to make exploration worthwhile to the players. I also only used zombies when the party disturbed someplace where the shrine builders would have interred bodies. I hoped maybe then some other DMs would have a better time with running this room. / 42.611722N 85.055667W / 42.611722; -85.055667. This module contains a chaitenging setting . Room 19. [1], Originally printed for the 1979 Origins International Game Expo,[2] the module was made available to the general public in 1980. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Room 19 of "Shrine" contains a figurine of a spaceship called the "II-Nedraw." This hi-res map of The Shrine of Tamoachan is included in the D&D supplement Tales from the Yawning Portal and was originally created for the adventure The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan from issue #209 of Dungeon Magazine. Beings like a mummified centaur who was once a sacred offspring of Chiza-Aztlan, but now is an undead guardian who tries to prevent any but the dead from entering the ruins of the temple, and to try and keep the dead contained therein from escaping. Would be a fun visual. Dedicated to Zotzilaha, vampire god of the u nderworld, and built to imprison a powerful Far Realm entity, it is filled with lost secrets and merciless traps. If you use the setup given here, continue reading. What are the chances of making these older products available as PoD here? Buy Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan (4e DM Rewards Edition) - D&D 4e from Wizards of the Coast - part of our ' Role Playing Games - Dungeons & Dragons. Subscribe to get the free product of the week! LOWER CHAMBERS In this sprawling section of the complex, characters face a variety of dangers in addition to having to cope with the ever-present poisonous gas. All that is currently left of the Olman civilization a re the scattered tribes of their degenerated descendants, now prone to Dcmogorgon worship and savagery. SINGLE PAGE PROCESSED JP2 ZIP download. Just think how something like that could be translated through modern game design. ISBN back [3], Dungeon Master for Dummies includes The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan in its list of the ten best classic adventures, noting the players' destination as a "Mayan-style temple full of surprising traps and devious tricks. The fire is consuming a smaller figure, and a snaillike creature cowers in fear at the sight. You may want to make some changes to these rooms, or run them with extra care, especially if youre integrating the shrine into a larger campaign. And if you want to try that, you probably have about 20 seconds to figure out you need to cut off that arm before its too late. It is the first in the C-series of modules, a set of unrelated adventures originally designed for competitive play, with the C representing the first letter in the word competition. Dont make my mistake. It features a number of well constructed encounters and some of the best puzzles. web pages 2017. The hidden shrine of tamoachan pdf. After all, if its a stand-alone adventure and you have some characters who dont make it out alive, thats far less of a problem than if youre risking removing characters from an overarching story. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. Or walk through the chapel of Kukulkan where they encounter a hidden Couatl that charges them with a riddle and has them pass a trial that rewards successful characters with magic items and the services of a shadowy Death Servant, which sounds creepy, but is basically an extra life. Read more, 382 The county was created from Perry County in 1908 and named in honor of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Confederate general in the American Civil War and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.Forrest County is part of the Hattiesburg, MS . 396KB Otherwise, picking the lock requires a DC 23 Thievery check, or forcing it requires a DC 28 Athletics check. 300 numbered copies (plus some others see below) were printed for sale It includes a full -color poster map and features over fifty rooms filled with items, monsters, and traps adapted from the original adventure. You never should have abandoned the ship and struck out into the marshes_ Now, a larae aroup ofsavaae warriors from the local area are hot on your trail. Along with the inclusion of the adapted version of Tomb of Horrors (which is a horrible module, but thats a topic for another time), I feel that the anthology hardcover was a worthwhile purchase. Slaheddine For this dungeon it might not make a huge difference, but you know your group best. You may also purchase individual monsters. In the 2006, 3rd Edition Dungeon Magazine modules series, the Savage Tide Adventure Path, the dungeon of Lost Tamoachan is revisited in the December 2006 Dungeon Magazine #141 'The Sea Wyvern's Wake' chapter. This module contains a challenging setting as well Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st Edition) Nickname. The shrine is an ancient Mayan/Aztec pyramid, and the module uses names, monsters, and characters based on that period. The general features of the shrine are quite inconspicuous, except for one rather interesting feature. [4], The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan was ranked the 18th greatest Dungeons & Dragons adventure of all time by Dungeon magazine in 2004. The quality of the reprint is great, quite durable, and the clarity of the images, are more than I could have hoped for. Because, if your group really wouldnt be excited to play the ancient rubber ball game with the magic ancient rubber ball, you might as well save yourself the trouble of learning how to run this whole complicated room and just not mention the door to this area at all. This is likely owing to the fact that the module was originally published as the Tournament Module for Origins 79, which meant that teams of players would be given two hoursin real time to try and make their way through the entire dungeon. One of the first ever adventures I played. The dungeon is fairly linear as these things go, so theres not a lot of looping around that would interfere with that kind of system. If you dont tell them its an hour, then you avoid a lot of contentions about how long theyre actually taking in each room. Ill spend most of the rest of this article talking about rooms in the shrine that are particularly interesting, difficult, or even outright unfair. [5], This module was originally used for the Official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons tournament at the 1979 Origins International Game Expo (Origins '79). [2] In addition to the adventure itself, the module contains a scoring system and pre-rolled characters for adventuring. Search the history of over 804 billion This was probably the first meaningful expansion of Greyhawk by anyone other than Gary Gygax or Rob Kuntz. A mona them is a witch doctor. The doppelganger in the coffin that tries to impersonate a member of the party poses difficulties for you as a DM. signature, Thanks to William Meinhardt and Paul Stormberg for this info, Even if you roll for random encounters every six rooms, which is pretty stingy as far as hours passed, remember that there are only 53 rooms in the entire dungeon, which means youd be rolling for a possible random encounter about 8 or 9 times in total. Ill just say that I hate arbitrary problems without solutions, like this room, and leave it at that. My advice on the whole room is to be really flexible about how the parts of the puzzle can be solved, and give the players pretty wide latitude to try sensible things and have them work. Diorama E: This scene shows the creation of the Olman people. I had the dopple hide for a few rounds and mind read the pcs, then emerge claiming to be a blacktalon who lost all her gear and doesnt know how she got into this room. Its apparently been this way since 1980, and theyre not changing it now. You are the players only window into the world, and if they think you might be lying to them about whats going on in that world, you have damaged your game at its very core. 29. Get the 6 magic items from The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan for use on D&D Beyond. Only 300 numbered copies (plus some others. [5] Traversa concluded his review by saying, "Of all the modules TSR has published (and I have read them all) I would rate this right in the middle. The player characters explore a stepped pyramid deep in the heart of a tropical junglethe Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Bambra noted the adventure's "Central and South American flavour", and "setting from Aztec and Mayan culture and mythology". All the figures in the dioramas are made of stucco and can be removed. is hand-printed in the upper left corner. When he sees you, he tosses his totem to the sky, convulses, and then dramatically catches the implement and plants it in the around. Dungeon Module C4 Nema lefe laity ie of Tamoachan , by Harold Johnson & Jeff R. Leason \ This module was originally used for the Official ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS fournament af Origins "79, and is th first in another new series of modules from TSR. If there is more weight near the alcove than on the one step of the alcove (left and write of the T on the map), the mechanism flips (i.e., getting there without deactivating the trap auto-triggers it). Thats one of the things Im most interested to see in Tales from the Yawning Portal. Despite all that though, the module is still fantastic. Essentially, Xipe is a character killer as well, because theres not really a good way for the party to face him as a group. He finished it in a 48-hour typing session, in which he accidentally changed the name of the location from Tomoanchan to Tamoachan. Read more, Within the complex religious landscape of modern India, the community of Sindh stands out as a powerful example of inter, 340 They land in the lower chambers of an ancient underground labyrinth filled with dangerous tricks and traps, strange creatures, and poisonous gas. Apparently been this way since 1980, and those on the gas is there any of. A color cover, bagged ( not bound ), version Publisher: No match for email address or.! The creation of the things Im most interested to see in Tales from the Portal! I would like to acknowledge them Tide adventure path not bound ), version Publisher module uses names monsters! Aztec and Mayan Culture and mythology '' maybe then some other DMs would a. 'S also a peculiar connection in C1 to a later Greyhawk adventure the heart of a called! ( 1980-81 ): Dark brown, color cover, with cover I read that trap as a couatl one... For the approval of the Olman people time with running this room, and the module doesnt if... 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