Not like this, with just one broken Vulcan, Broken: Adj. Spock is drawn to Kirk from the first time he sees him at the Academy. Hello, I decided to make a list of my favorite Spirk/Space Husbands fanfiction., And In the Darkness Bind You by Greywolf the Wanderer TOS, Post Deneva. I would like for Spock to still be in a relationship with Uhura at start of story. Spock, born of both, has neither., That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From the Future by pristineungift AOS, You know your day is going to be weird when some kid youve never seen before calls you Papa., When their kidnappers ship crashes to an uncharted and uninhabited planet, Jim and Spock have to fight to stay alive, and the strength of their uncertain relationship is tested when Spock enters Pon Farr,, Please dont touch the Vulcans by museaway AOS., Hearts Survival (Rishan DKahf-spol ) by 1lostone AOS/TOS. Bottom line: he knew his Spock, thus he knew, unequivocally, that Spock was sick (and being rather shifty about it). Kevin Arbouet (@kevinarbouet) August 3, 2020 After the original series, alt fan stories called slash were created in which the characters of Kirk and Spock were lovers. Updated on Mar 29, 12 Created on Dec 23, 09. Not everything is quite as it seems on Omicron Ceti III, where the Enterprise crew has been sent to seek survivors from a long-lost colony. But this isnt always the case. Since the only alternative is Sam's death, Jim accepts, postponing his dream to join Starfleet Academy (yes, in this AU he actually wants it, but Starfleet doesn't deserve him, and fate has other plans). Bye, Spock. Jim turns into a six-year-old, and Spock takes care of him. star_fata., Captain Kirks Plomeek Soup by Dracavia AOS. Kirk and Spock end up in a Romulan prison after the ship they are passengers on is taken by Orion slavers. Navigation and Actions. This site is not affiliated with any official Star Trek entity. When Ensign Bestine commits suicide during a long haul between starbases, Jim thinks its a bad omen. Spock ends up on the most terrifying trip of his life and ends up seriously freaking out. It is intended for entertainment purposes only, and maintained for no profit. We owe you one!" Before I could respond, they came at me with open arms, enveloping me in a warm, if somewhat unsteady, embrace. Im Jim. After months of pining for his captain, Spock finally gets up the nerve to do something about it. He didn't have time for . Kirk tries to pick up the pieces. The crew becoming friends while at the Academy, but through their parents' perspectives. Spock is stripped of his logic on an away mission gone bad and turns feral, incredibly violent and utterly brutal. Kirk/Spock friendship or pre-slash. Many of Spock's trends towards illogical thinking can be attributed to one James T. Kirk, highly illogical being., Somehow, Jim thought the brothel would be differentbig and beautiful. After a bit of an accident, the two children are thrown into an Enterprise where Dad and Father are still only coworkers, learning how to get along with each other. In 2020, for example, it rescued most of the zine Side by Side, the online Kirk/Spock . A super-dick.Rating: MatureWords: 2479Alternate Universe - College/UniversityNi'VarAuthor: WerewolvesAreReal Summary: Humans have daemons. Not knowing Spock has feelings for him, Jim doesnt even bother asking if he wants to spend time together figuring he has something to do. While the Open Doors Project is committed to saving archives of all kinds, the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive is particularly significant. Welcomittees were another keystone of the era, helping fans to find one another. He prepares to face the future aloneuntil hes reunited with an old friend. Even the big corporations have issues with long term preservation, Yrindor says, bringing up Yahoo Groups, which shuttered in 2019, causing the Open Doors Project to step in to save some of the content that would otherwise have been deleted. Unexpected things happen to Kirk and Spock on the enterprise, in shots. Feeling crappy and fighting the urge to scratch strain his Vulcan control, and he gets a bit cranky (more so than usual). A friend, who was paying for hosting had to go through a Herculean effort with the ancient software to restore it to a previous version, Killa says. This story actually started and evolved from this anonymous writing prompt on tumblr: "Old Married Spirk where Jim teaches classes at Starfleet and Spock is an ambassador. It was likely this combination of relatability and attractiveness that led fans to wanting to explore Spocks potential relationships, particularly with Captain Kirk. The story appeared in the R-rated Star Trek fanzineGrup #3 in 1974. Theyd established that after the whole Pon Farr mess last year. Ive also clearly labeled all the mpreg ones because I know so readers dont like them, so just skip those and enjoy the rest :) If you notice anything Ive mislabeled please let me know so I can fix it. After meeting briefly during an evacuation from Tarsus IV, Jim Kirk and Spock reconnect with each other at Starfleet Academy and fall in love. Marchants story was greeted with a firestorm of controversy and sparked years of debate within Star Trek fan circles. ),,, Follows the events of Galileo 7., A Friendship Rare and Well-Done by Farfalla TOS. Kirk has an allergic reaction that causes Bones to make some drastic changes to the captains dietary restrictions, and appoints someone to monitor what Kirk eats for a while. As the Vulcan lifespan is pretty long, Amanda Greyson was hardly Sarek's only love interest. And Open Doors is ensuring that less of the pre-OTW history is being lost to time. Its just one more thing Jim needs to figure out on his bumpy road to a destiny he doesnt even know if he believes in. Hot New # 1. When Spock is attacked by a creature that kills telepaths by consuming the energy of telepathic minds, Kirk tries many things to save him. newsletter. Things dont exactly go according to plan, but when he unexpectedly finds out a few months later that Jim is pregnant, Spock convinces a resistant Jim (with a little help from the crew) that they were meant to be together. Jim gets a job at the royal palace and finds himself falling for King Spock, heir to the Vulcan Empire. Star Trek: 2009 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 960 - Reviews: 128 - Favs: 1,108 - Follows: 121 - Published: Jul 23, 2009 - J. Kirk, Spock - Complete. That baloney about Vulcans being unflappable? Follow their journey. probably too many italics but there you go., Spock almost dies from a Vulcan flu and while Kirk nurses his bondmate he deals with running the Enterprise, along with the problems caused by a crewmans crush on Spock. Beware, NC-17 rating = mature content. Vulcan Pox, or Jim Kirk, Single Father Extraordinaire by kyliselle AOS. James T. Kirk is a man's name. Um, hi. Rating: MWords: 88568, Permalink the ones signaled with are must-reads, all are favourites. The Trouble with Vulcan-Human Hybrids by quantumgirl AOS kid!fic. Summary: Vulcan is considering seceding from the Federation; Spock, a researcher at the VSA, decides now is a good time to catch up on being Human. The pressure on the fingers of his right hand increases, and he becomes aware of warmth. Doctor McCoy has detected a dangerous syndrome in two of his patients. Ambassador Fox laughed like he knew something Kirk didn't, and he hated the feeling of not knowing. Even the captain catches a cold from time to time, but at least he has a friend like Spock to cheer him up. Which hes fine with. As someone who has participated in online fandom since I was about 12 years old, Id heard ofA Fragment Out of Time. But it wasnt until I was researching for our Flame Con panel that I gave the story a close read and investigated the history around its publication and reception. Kirk is convinced he made a mistake inviting Spock to be his First Officer. Humans have allergic rhinitis. Moderator Support Team . Spock will do anything to recover his bondmate. So it came as a surprise when one evening Spock made the first move and tried to shyly kiss Jim on the lips. A stopover for dilithium goes badly awry. My name is unpronounceable to most humans, so you may call me Spock. Could there ever be more between them, or would Spock forever be the one that got away? How To Marry a Starship Captain by logicallyillogical AOS mpreg. This story takes place after the reboot movies. Then I gave an overview of the rise of modern fandom in regards to LGBTQIA+ themes. Spock joins him. Spock goes through the wormhole after Nero, but the Kelvin destroys Nero and his ship, being destroyed in the process. He later discovers that sometimes trying to prove a myth wrong is not as fun when confronted with the evidence to do so. If you have ideas of resources you would like to see here, please feel free to e-mail me. He wrote that Spock thought of Kirk as his thyla, noting that the word could mean friend, brother, or lover. It goes on to suggest that Kirk has had sexual experiences with many beings that are not human women, Rebaza summarizes. Inspired loosely by Pretty Woman; pre-movie AU.Rating: NC-17Words: 86262142 DaysAuthor: jeyhawkSummary: Jims roommate is a dick., Something Rich and Strange by jouissant AOS AU. Because I have strep throat and feel like dog food, Im making poor Jim suffer too. During his time in Ayel's brothel, Jim learns many things and gets to know many interesting people, especially two Vulcan brothers, one of whom has weird opinions about emotions, and the other one the other one is the hottest, most reserved, most awkward and mysterious client that Jim has ever had. Fuck, I dont even know why Im doing this. It was Black women who didnt see themselves represented. No More Crazy Stunts by weegie8 -Jim keeps glancing to his wrist, agitated. 2167 reblog. Sarek has chosen Spock a more compatible mate than TPring and they brought him/her along to start to bond with Spock. The Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive isnt the first piece of Star Trek fan history that Open Doors has saved. Originally published in 1994 in the print fanzine Matter/Antimatter # 11., Challenge response from KSOF-2002, wave one. AOS: kid fic, fluff, spock prime This is a reponse to Samantha-Kathy's challenge: Spock Prime Raises Kirk. Around 1999 or 2000, the groups started getting really splintered it started to become a culture where there was a lot of infighting., With all kinds of Star Trek fans collected in one place, people began to argue, Killa says. wee Spock is absolutely enamored with Kirk and decides Kirk shall be his mate. Heres an excerpt by way of example: The pressure was delicious. At first, the tradition was one that took place deeply underground. fan fiction was the genesis of modern fandom. Some nice hurt/comfort moments with a happy ending please! But Jim still manages to surprise him with gifts and making his special Plomeek soup recipe for him, all while leading up to asking Spock any way. (images: The University of Iowas Hoover Collection, Paramount). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. (This is intended to be like an episode of TOS, so I'm sticking as closely as possible to TOS canon.) Something went wrong. This story will focus on the drama and events we didnt get to see in the original episode, plus in the episodes aftermath. In Federation high society, the rumor mill is rarely in want of decent fodder and when the sons of Sarek and George Kirk butt heads at a gala, that fodder is about to turn into a buffet. Or to keep it anonymous, click here. After Spock went to Gol, Kirk's hurt accumulates over time, so when Spock comes back, he is not greeted well. (yes they will be short very short) There have been 65155 reviews written about our 5783 stories consisting of 15035 chapters and 50403154 words. Live long and Prosper. Vulcans apparently have allergic otitis. This time the modified probes deliver inspiration to our young heroes, hoping to give more focus to the wild Jim Kirk he knew and show the value of creativity to the inflexible Spock he remembers being. Work Search: I couldnt be happier that the story came to beand that we have moved into an era less than fifty years later where reading characters as queer is no longer an idea that is considered atypical and in many cases has entered the zeitgeist. At Starfleet academy Jim and Spock were friends (with benefits), but when Spock left to serve on the Enterprise under Captain Pike, Jim was left heartbroken.Years later Jim was given Captaincy of the Enterprise after Pike's promotion. fan fiction was the genesis of modern fandom. A Fragment Out of Time was published inGrup with a drawing by Marchant herself at the top that showed Jim Kirk and Spock locked in an embrace. Works in Progress [438] For incomplete works of fiction, any length. He prescribes a novel treatment. Inside Archive of Our Owns latest rescue mission. Kirk/Spock was out in the open, and it would go on to become the granddaddy of slash, soon generating its own dedicated zines, art, and merchandise, and becoming such a standard in the world of male/male subtext found in media that even your most fandom-averse friends have probably heard of it. The Enterprises first mission under the (official) captaincy of James T. Kirk. Kirk is part Betazoid, he doesnt advertise it because it doesnt define him, but after feeling the terror and the psychic scream from the destruction of Vulcan he starts to break down., A Hell Of His Making by ObsidianEmbrace AOS. The mysterious goings-on threaten to reveal Jim's feelings toward his First Officer. Spock immediately slashes Kirk's uniform open, I can see how fanfic started, this episode must have been like giving Doritos to a 14th century peasant. Spock intervenes.Rating: T+Words: 16394Master of a nothing place Author: strzygaSummary: Spock is stripped of his logic on an away mission gone bad and turns feral, incredibly violent and utterly brutal. Its the first part of a WiP series and leaves off a bloody angsty cliffhanger. Also known as, Five times Spock thought no one was looking, and one time he knew he was caught. De-aged/kid!fic. As a gift from a civilisation they helped, Jim and Spock are sent into the future where they meet their 18 yr old son. It does sound crazy, I know. Shortly after Operation: Annihilate and Amok Time, Spock saves McCoys life by bringing the wrath of aliens imprisoning them and Kirk on himself, instead. the Kirk/Spock AO3 Collection is now live. st_ficfinder., If Only In My Dreams by twisting_vine_x AOS. In 2020, for example, it rescued most of the zine Side by Side, the online Kirk/Spock zine that published 23 issues between 2001 and 2007. Academy AU. And then things become complicated. Looking to the Stars (Like Theyve Got All the Answers) by shards_of_divinity AOS, Jim and Spocks relationship is on the edge of something deeper than friendship. As well as AO3, OTW hosts a wiki for preserving fan-related culture, an academic journal, and a project dedicated to importing and preserving other fanworks called Open Doors. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight., The De-Aged Story That Wasnt by lalazee AOS. I was getting really tired because I was interested in everything about Kirk and Spock., Jims new protege reminds him of Spock. As the Enterprise begins her voyage, Kirk tries to deal with the loneliness of being Captain. Author: ObsidianEmbraceSummary: Pon farr takes its toll.Rating: MWords: 8643Entering OrbitAuthor: museattack Summary: Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch.Rating: MWords: 30,962How We Are (but not how were going to be)Author: alpha_hydraSummary: Even when they hate each other, theyre still sort of falling in love.Rating: MWords: 35916A Friend in Need is a Friend IndeedAuthor: littlebirdtold Summary: Perhaps it would be a mutually beneficial arrangement.Rating: NC-17/Hard RWord count: ~7,800You LiedAuthor: ksalteregoSummary: Spock bought into that whole stupid Vulcan practice of being secretive about shit (sexual practices) that had the potential to fucking kill him. It always has been and always will be, regardless of the fact that James T. Kirk has just woken up in a new and different body.,, Well Be in Our Hidden Place by June AOS,, Unplanned Parenthood by waketosleep AOS pre-slash. MPREG, Spock matriculates to Starfleet Academy with a mysterious past and an uncertain future. I have friends whove had IP issues, cease and desist letters, things like that., This was one of the key issues that OTW wanted to tackle through its creation of AO3. Sort by: Hot. Fuck it, it was a stupid idea. [emailprotected]. From that point on, Killa had been looking for someone to take over its upkeep. Reader inserts for Star Trek (new movies with Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban etc.) Kirk & Spock arrive in the transporter room de-aged to five years old. Plus Christmas! Kirk offers comfort. As Spock is struggling to take care of Jim and find a way back onto the Enterprise, the native inhabitants of the planet are struggling to capture them - and put them up for sacrifice. Theyre logical and boring and, if Jims being completely honest, just the tiniest bit scary. Events prior, during and after The Conscience of the King, with a reboot twist.,, Side Effects May Include by lah_mrh TOS. Archive of Our Own has always been more than the hottest fanfiction destination on the internet. But when he forges a connection with this compelling stranger and begins unraveling the mystery of his fathers death, Jim stumbles onto a secret that will change his life forever. A poem from Spock's POV at the end of STIII and beginning of STIV. So [its] a way to make that more accessible to people; you can still find the works without needing to understand all sorts of different platforms and search functionalities.. Emailus. This is the story of how that bond was forged - and nearly broken; remade and mended once more. Bones wants his two best friends happy, but the stubborn idiots aren't getting with the program so he calls in his Dad Cupid and asks for his aid. Thus begins a journey of heartwarming epicness as Jim Kirk gets to know his Spock even better than he could ever imagine via meld after enticing meld.Rating: ExplicitWords: 45519Anchor Me Author: syniaSummary: Kirk is part Betazoid, he doesnt advertise it because it doesnt define him, but after feeling the terror and the psychic scream from the destruction of Vulcan he starts to break down. The pre-OTW history is being lost to time room De-Aged to Five years old, heard... I gave an overview of the era, helping fans to find one another:?... Fandom in regards to LGBTQIA+ themes 12 Created on Dec 23, 09 pretty long, Amanda Greyson was Sarek. One broken Vulcan, http: // sid=4829, http: // view_adult=true... That after the ship they are passengers on is taken by Orion slavers // sid=828 Challenge. Was looking, and Spock ; s only love interest my Dreams by twisting_vine_x.. Loneliness of being Captain the first part of a WiP series and leaves off a bloody cliffhanger! 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