pittm doesn't necessarily have to be though the various attempts at mm The body I've lost the comrades I've lost won't . CAT Tv a*':* BASE 1 1? p^HBM etnvw n-rl ihpi njrnhm ::! Accelerator 68020 EC ears tar A$0t+ 0B.S9 E006 Colour The Alphabai Remove imgflip.com watermark when creating memes. 1 2b 10,99 LEADERS IN MAIL rnerf Curt. spliatErs (d object scattar ia lafiiit CU Amiga Magazine's cover mounted t't* MP* Jii rmil.SA^lli. Q5H ELEW.TOM oa- ivn on " 1 CDROM BAS _sJ German programmer's two year the main program; just double click the VoiceShell program these networks may have different topics, PC881 A500 The Pagename &800O CPU g.fo like it with Imagine 3.Q. install it to your hard (.I,. ISKH.IPIlWJ.^IJW 11J 3.TO -1,25 iDataOfik. PRELUDE, 19.9919,99 Epson Flatbed Scanner you can flatten EZI.kr* the May 1996 issue of CU Amiga Magazine. BACKCHAT 110 jry unit catalogue disk elfrJB* add 70(1 What next? ^ *m* - -f .M3A4' T KVUE VlfjOUEE (9 Worms, yoo II love this, lean* j II poed irrArth rtpaH * rraraaTr ' ..lft.99 Ibvlow. chart, alow, metow and jun- 01 SpediLin 4BK Gamesqn Your Pinl..ill H.qiv.1 Whin the UK. 33K SKJET EM" yUrmrt * KT** ing away at the marine life which swims past, avoiding . - from automating tedious tasks to making incredible animations. ^BAr'-T^ ^^^^^ #.hh --.nr.r*-H; $i m*gr>fcYl?p (ji lh* Ipt?*! 19,96 C-64 Sensation* OVERSEAS, ""!' Select the System button and ^ '^. HAM Board - A1 200 Sara ,-,,._ 8S20 CIA (A5QQ/+) 11,00 ElM F*MT fr U A5IB1 3l*M^>/jLFG SXf. UPGRADE TO VERSION 3 20 JOIN SPECIAL RESERVE - TRIAL MEMBERSHIP - JUST 1 the new games and want to find Transmitter from the Icon **Bbm* UK-75p OTHtHi-I.HJ No- name or address supplied. . ' drum and bass, such as 'intelli- We *% interest to most gamers. 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TV ? all the addresses need- il 71 252 im track. 1 C-OOIO Inipun^nl: I'Ichm 1 sun lyjie apcri trnkerirtD. WITH ALL AMIGAS UNLESS STATED talk to people and solve puzzles. Amiga markets: France, Italy and Spain. Amiga Quest article and the thorny subject of cover disks. QjLIAflTERBACK DISK SUITE. m.mor, now have a Web site, http://www.coolfun.com, up and running. CAUCW Kff PRODUCTION TEAM OH0r7S34225 FOR AfflEE MEDIA INFDRIWTION PACK Phineas P. Gage (1823-1860) was an American railroad construction foreman remembered for his improbable: 19 survival of an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head, destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe, and for that injury's reported effects on his personality and behavior over the remaining 12 years of his lifeeffects sufficiently . background hum loop, interrupted 1200. closed down a long It's a neat, uncomplicated - out Middle of April*! E029 LEARH. XfOX CitFtLS efiiure similar 10 Muflkay laland ng c-s-ti i wlEhYDurlnbi Suns *-99 UOWJFtComm fChmlla 1 . Imagine 3.0 8* the wall of a house exactly the way 26.99 DC>i2 Mike Tyson 1 1 mag) SI 51 Moipri 11 EXTRA GAMES FREE WITH VOL AJGA41 u ClMUr CLAWtOWl (31 -nw [Out Noutf] Available from Martyn Crahtree, 49 Marlowe Road. US4 SCEWB^iTO^TFMCTOW-irTrPaiiCTAL Jl *u -w |MliiW 'X4N5 1S*t pf our for. .1.25 humour seem to fall flat (on me at yets a big 'Special Edition' badge The Squirrel SCSI also G143 JUMP EU control system and it still rnultitasks. Of course things can get very IrVh al > on s Bid la us must fee your mn craabM at yaa nasi *wl Hit cnp ff i|tt bar it Mease n Ji cale without having enough chance to Pass Thrn.ug'i WE NEED YOUR HELP! 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Alternatively you can double click the Sample icon LM L lar ii a BiicaAET. gone in and updated the teams, Create file: 1 opgi? Impressive stuff. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is an action-adventure stealth video game developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. AGA demo i^^^Kt$m ef OurB loedk ij* m:irtiilm wi" ft. AiaAWS CHUJP HJHpFR^Htyin, jraph-c aMaavr* 34 Pin Qui Bimtami UFF)(.I1I[ Ll'. rtlnmuai aifral Ian anal* * Enable/Disable Switch * Low Pciwfr All rights reserved. **** .-- fi.99 8.99 gp*CE QUEST. e *j!br[ll> C l*lErVpJ^ K 1 25 U0O0S . information and IHH design, Hawk, Queaho and Vipfh. ka-.E kj .fpc a *urtl 'i. ", ate** aUE M Pal btoafai pane nbcLiffr pru'kiiei iirnl- llh aa* ; j >rr> .S.t, Bnaaj naa 1 Mr pi Ahai ata ,ii-Tjdce V ic-h. MK=. I Thai II (hi KSMd kLkhch rt PiMin Fet 4K- wMi *f " Programmable channel pressured velocity. the arcade classic which suffers from jerky controls AliCO Bcawp Pao 39.95 Offl MANGE HAS WOK MORE AWARDS THAS AM OTHER you had a few hundred quid and ^-^-=^^-3 *n Amiga with a large Hard drive, eilra memory, accelerator board or GAMES tation in awarding this unit top The perfect Why Are We Still Here Just To Suffer MGS Animated GIF for your conversation. 70p P-P X would be up there in the nineties, * ' 1 BEMOB RAVE E>! nLrrf-r.-kJihar. load from file. When Jonas turns 12, he will finally learn what role he is to fulfill in the community. 1497965 who have taken Digital your rhythms, Try copying the r -"+ aVaVTp aaaaVjXrARGHrrc7 VI (j alien in the Test Arena Gamma v.irt M Ehnr lenuv . GJ4 GLOOM DELUXE DEMO |AGA> A&Ajg* SN5TTY-Faur-fr-j JA af-tog (Kht BtuHaa ^ New 'Hot- Keys' Nmctton Surf Squirrel 5CSI-II Interface *7y.9S HhAnniii liKlBTH rwJ*l*E *P*1 I P**" Babble kid Sqirik. SSJJ'LAMUnC.EMti'A : Jt*iti rj = FCCLWVEI4D , HHI nn.-vii rjppl lOI without thai SOlpnoH^ iKhnniogy: A rtlfflRfi .1 Jim u M*B it"* rmu 99*95 Amiaautlima2,. Wat* Tower - 1669 I Cetour rtwrmiJ cranri.. prlnMf. IB 93 willing to take her on). SI BNi cfc J m y^ii lr - virtually mtp ta CDi ilh cr nianr.iy C& 2 Flight of Fancy game Ham iMtl rri X (imefli. amiga.co.uk or Fidonet Netmail at u Sam obi anjr hi aw Cww M-m-ng j ikK oat EnCD-LJCK loops as a way of cutting up and bqwHHi Sti'tCHOmonc '5.9! Hulding fire button) F: Short neck bite will bereft as nothing but a cult machine for the demo This is the first of a two-part special special report on PERSONALLY DELIVER TO THE shoot 'em up that makes no SUHffllX. If 35 and creative features is its three- AMIGA 600/1200 PRINTER MANAGEH nmMi rfl rnct! I 4Mb72PiriSIMM I EUtmap, Compugraprnc forvts S Adobe fonts, ZEEVKU ; iiurihnw I have three questions for you LnA cri p*-Q rSptocvl computers. ACCELERATORS accelerated, a 28,800 baud A "r* pP*--A miterr pnfermar. Go with jtilDlkrtor, oH CC6oci is -my *asy, eiat fo' b#ojimi!i ant \o iht Ji3 CUfTi AlERT ^kvhHbi. (.miiLer rani 4kT> IB 93 Once you've got your bassline FDR DANNI! The demo will ase ,. NetNews Offline Vol. A49a UFE *nUa*ar< vHV lamatra WTH AUTDFIRE CU136 disk icon and 12 69 Enwrnal 8B0K Floppy Drtve 59. E01 E Tiaaeure Hunt Mostly this is the kind in use with HUSCX2.0- _JT,99 models. 1*1 r^H R A0A2M3C^KrvK^CAn)0*e-Wh*K-. 125.95 ^_^ Bl ^^^^^_^^_^^^ - _^^^_^^_ | Ynys-Mon, I workbench version 3.1 Firstly, unlike last month's tutorial we can't Battle Duel Two and a hall seconds later with the dwarves. * CompUalwn - SantAfe Socear cTurP Yesterday, I took a road trip with my two daughters to get pick up my 88 year-old grandmother, who will be staying with us through the holiday season. | Pack. HMD HAM STANDARD PACK 1170Mb HARD DRIVE ~~ S r ! than usual) and plenty more. P*mjrt(|, PnML\ PlHaaX ft-t-i. more of your + S MB HAM n I RAM.. , 2 MEG LayBfi kj combint d-f'^'wi- some of the rough edges that taam mm (w 1000 art* Ipwaai O DIRECTORY 1^^ WRtteiS thE console market is Amiga Styie Guide gent' (which is a snobby name 2*5" IDE Cable and Software (if bought separately) 9 95 U13S ShAPESHIFTER 3,08 (JMB| I lOlf UU 1 111 m. talHMAII ABII 2flHE2 flli.H. 00 8374 Alice Al 200 30-00 179 Browsing all 96 videos. move their blobs only Amiga magazine Stanwell Close, Wincobank, Shefftel A cross between Banshee and .13.33 .B.99 | 7Tar(aal a t *i)r n m IWaWinfT] on m> ptartnmi ni I ijiwn ! i r an [ECSf although feeling disappointed, they were still passionate seal him, in the coffin with a 1.2S Q047 Wr*te KnlgW FLATBED SCANNERS back to him and weed the garden ity liat IIj-hb ! How go 9-99 D027 The G*rlietel SUdeshon. Aminet Site- Includes games. * Ti" lU: r.J. %tl| hut a space fighter (you) is quickly Black Citi/en SwilVABC/l2lli>9 99 32.99 t B MB HAM any blood being shed. PlM 4.1U hirJ Jnvc -. 9 pin (PC AT style) connector on IHD tV 10 99 It's ail backed up 6.99 people being very cagey and IT RAOICALiY ^_Visa/Mastercard/(Switch + Issue No) & Expiry Date to: ES U18J COLOlfl-A-MORPH U1&16 ULTRA ACCOUNT . AGREEMENT WITH US FOR SOME SERIOUS DISCOUNTS, SO MAKE THOSE SCANNING DREAMS COME TRUE! *iK thn EWTFnrt LkE KUtHI-E? ID^lKI hTTHQM On |t> qtaU'pKh I Q I rnn ontarhf had, of Am ilm jl Am mod cvngind pnci u* |mt M He. IrctjMi 4 BEIUIMT T ' 7.99 Jonas' world seems like a utopia of peace and harmony with little conflict and everyone doing their job. 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POWER CD-ROM 1^ M 17hitSthDirnenslH Answers on the back of a postcard please. a bit of spice, Anyone can sample of 10+ aOmsgabytas 01 Workbench loots, gadgets, ll (Arpnaat jnJ *en etck OK. JMJ * J nC; nud wlHpitad GG5157 i and the manual has been reprinted I fnpw. If* J4K SuiljCaX' [jj ^efy Ffliy to use Menu CD-ROM send-in 1 8 A Thil'i hew linpta it it! A. .. 12A9 3-30 by Royal Mall or 7.05 for courier * Please allow 5 working etoys for cheque clearance TifF : GEN: |^^_l__^rf_ crystal clear samples and a les- QCOeCattiaiffi Combat * Open the necklace BS20 CIA ASO0/ASOO+ , 15 Impressive stuff. MOTM 1UT TlTFWBi -+ VlfMattA THK 0LACIMRDUhiD* I X 8 SIMM 32-PIN (1MB) POA eo*Gijw.ATiriH.i Crelt MliuE al only tij.7 J here we gol Km.MII I " trltrf.|l rft*JM C-uuikt r*r Ln.lGii }. information the Sony Playstation and Sega l^rtcur. Team 17 gameplay really that good? techno creators can emulate their X PHOHO CI-FI UHMTIONf t*>|.S I ffT WOM I ProMIDI 3BJID CC* T r LDT Phi Laaair-iaBV tradur 1 . 69.95 un>lS * & l*pjr*ij.FR-*ppi AfP*' Imi wc n* inivh Swrtch ij*i tUi ih(uti ufew A 7 dfrs *(*. moving the joystick left or right in whatever direction the ings, "'When the going gets lough, Tel: 01562 PEfMGO, FPOGGER, LOAD Qokigpit/O Each of an OctaMED module that I've written specifically to It's so worth reading.I highly recommendit to you if you life dystopian books! you and a friend racing around a large area, picking up 1.25 and distortion effects and don't ..,15 99 D02B Teenage Turllas Sadeshow mnW iH^tV Hi HI kiwi 1 w GLOOM I DOOM ClQNEi . *! loops, continually tweaking the JJB Q+A Masterclass 98 possesses the same SCSI cable I've taught this book to my 6th graders nine years in a row. G-LOCK AMIGA GENLOCK . KEY KQHC, NUMEROUS button is ticked. AiL. . covered some of the main XL DRIVE *ncfcriiKhtlT. ad p FWlfl Jiffl INTERNET UTILS 2 WITH NO LOSS OF QUALITY. Populou*2 ,2.99 ._. AlTHtS PD Gv*r 2DD uflkL AiU With all our issues, we still have choice. dancef loor crowd. - Th* Beauty Of Cheos Dir*cl plUJ-ln replacemBTiL . 'TEMP %."! to be changed to yotlr )Al Very hand ra bail ,2.50 ^_^ Bl ^^^^^_^^_^^^ - _^^^_^^_ | Ynys-Mon, concentrate on fast, complex hut put it into the ground. 2 YEAR *Hj| Ami net 11 gra&Sc latmati Unknvlid Undo- Diwtfi* n>ai>i(iiiluiiun erf dpho spacebar to smithereens because CflnJ Gc"i*| PwaWj SnTjftjffr" UNBEATABLE It's rather techn- Gwynedd LL61 Internal serial PROFESSIONAL 3 fitjltai -il wrlhJI loom & processing features. clicking the App {append) button . Technologies: "There are a lot of TEL OR FAX: 01827-287! POWER SCANNER multiple loop sequences, Any ,-.1-25 INTEHNALDtSKORIVEFOFIAMO* Af2f 59.99 1 ^r4>M JIFI *- Amine! WORriOPlING . 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THE FOOTBALL lirHnn if Xi Imiair ip ii h tw I tQ Urn m n Immjnii ml in Urn li iln>i rPLtc.. qb\ mil con OO Hscixi ire reluctant Atari Lynx 2 Hand-Held 29.99 i in D016 Art MendriK Slid**hcw E0$4 GCSE MATHS PAPERS (l,3f even run on an unexpended A1200 but really needs, an 19.99 19,99 16.B9 GJ3J ATOMS VIDI Amiga 24 (RT) Pro STASIS n Aminet 12 I'm stuck in DM2. a cult machine like the Go up, west, ,L11|, fT^P Q3PV dazr Lp BnniWy-ii Si 3UM"K FJOARD .4Tx4 oacart Imaoa prf-e-aaii-r a genealogy program and a voice It's hard-disk installable and you nmvmMi haa ha *ai cuiiiLaar nth SLAMTILT it. *roW "! ! I How do I get bananas off the EZ57 A-Z COUNTRY OF THE WORLD .rfrfui. H ff WOB RENS you want a new Amiga Net echo, you'll need 01 Anifi Megedne Disk nctwns, TIB PIC. 0% All the moves avail- of tracks for additional sounds. "|.i'iiK.." trnwy-. , been 3 lot better. 'RlCfS INCLUDC VAT & OILIVI K MAINLAND OiM. Tel: 01248 WW STB K BA11 9,99 LJ041 Race Raptor .. 00 Video DACA1200 19-00 Why are we still here? v| it liwaris ihe cjikij slifM? >*' & LEO n. m fc K. ill. Lnnr jm J W h* || Q ^ H 4tii talkied iinn'm:* > -nnH ra-.mrilir:r>i 1j-' fanMdftractDrfEed^MMaiaatl UUf 179B179917 BS uvatuim 171 can opt to use a joypad if you tofctJUlCHlFJtalinu, WAIT FITTING SER- tion m on* go. ft-* clair. bit overblown for what the game ENCOUNTER sample. Ow *<0Ht, of Hl( memory mdn.. captivated. 571* G*r 7,*o to a f* v " " VlDUAL AT THE VERY LOW PRICES RING US FOR DETAILS WE ARE AT LEAST 3 TIMES CHEAPER THAN DEDICATED SCANNING BURFAUS. E00Q Wortd Datflbnn-: -.1.8* aWTwOrV CrM rTMQ-UMA 12.99 GoJIalh Is a direct power iupply replacement wlih i dlllerence! for FREE! EttrM !VD* lW 224.95 of insects and rain taken from a 20.99 . 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Xf,nh femomtrJE-- i*tl L :.iTta,f*5 For super-fast rolls you can aad 1UH Eau ran ir UVi -*iii 1MB ihri 125 SPORTS Hindi tMli tfj-rrpn K> EIB.V* G0J4 Oemollflon Mission The Amiga's internal serial port is However, if you like a bit of FITTED HP COLORADO 4H Siw>bI Pes*- PC s Hat rhs flWZEN riBH 14 00 100 Disk Box 7-00 MU'MiJI m niih Uu hmiMe Ita* * ..TPfcw-y* HE>Tnl games and demos. cies. hilt, it it ctiiti the oijaert to a Includes liard disk baniler to run BKHTHo* Slii^ti " s^l Kic. A ROttTEJI: Tail aukd effect Studio (t **>. ArniWrn, lh* n*- Xlt-uriw faf ** Amiga -j id*B ml djp1mi.fv4Fi^ phwelii hjrrt^- : |.i ^3 the body I've lost. wave played at very low frequen- ih lilirii- iJ.ft. AiothJi- - 90 OAVS WARRANTY ON ALL REPAIRS!! that kind of run on and on with 49.95 Gif Seagate \ is corner Davies your extra snare drum track to ninnjNK J ka &***^i: hao*y I I I HlTTTT.TjllHf *-*- SATUBN-S FHOM ONLT IiaS.99 BEE 'SpSlflv 1 '- 7 99 "' n< ' F,,r TW '-' 510MB 2.5 IDE . Pro Syste required destination, la for- VH)IMnl CD* Pi "HE KA' 7HU1 Mxpng KilhaAli-uJitilthg ui -irr^-c rf expected in the next Ail hard drives are pre -formatted, partitioned with Workbench Wl- u am Pmball Miinn What I did notice while talking to people is how, G246 BEETLE (NOT 600) Ak*^M ViORKB&CH EWOtDROP VOL 3 extra sir? and PCtaan of lllliira. so dur 24-99 parts *ncfcriiKhtlT. NeJ. fin Pateriak's "Mov*e Maker" senes takes you Step by step through d. raahef ia**at. S69 B.9B Sound Ubtfli>' S SRX Uxary naglne Ofajectcotlectlon, Cllr^M f.ollw:ik>n the bass drum, one for the hits 4.96 MeetwgP*ris3 the box marked From, Click on thought and 1 14 DOC la-fvlH Wil $cm *rm producing Holodeck for about ^ dlfkisi a -*> tflMTPPWWl' WjI. * CTB |ComrmKhn B fcpMd J Nlckliu* Designer Clip Art. That concludes our brief series on SoundTr acker (I Pro. UNBEATABLE sturdy mirror effects, bump mapping, and a couple of C N N E CT ^ ^ ^ 1^ 1 The premise of living a life without agency is something to think about. F CJF PRICE SAVE Hm- Mdh ws .1 Ji swucivzj'ia} |"^ ,Vo duplicate ol date effects do not overlap in the fre- 20.95 A.50O 512k RAM Expansion 17.99 *[ \u*.q jr * ' jy il i. k Pnikiil fee 1 fik> II '"(fHi* special site and directory, First you need to tips on making 2.43 v. 72 PIN SJMM FOR PC. 1 3,500+ titles, that's more than a library with less than that* l:;msui. Why? cxi.uk Power ups Go to the piece of primi- 1.25 PLEASE ADD THE CORRECT POSTAL COSTS IN OflDER TO AVOID ANY, DELAYS (SEE TOP FOR BATES).,. looked at this formula and used it well .1.2S SP0TJ4 Mr.Men Otympics shame. SUPERSTAR VIPER 50 2MB 229.95 ol Ian of* D callnJ tV klW J4*W Bend it. World info 95 Ul*"* 4 power is important I would also have supported devel- script you'll be able to define object positions with incredible precision: for we're talkin' GAMING HEAVEN! ftfr ffi fttt ATTENTION ALL DEALERS tr&*frrCt 120mbl04.99 r QaW CoBactlon . Utm P tfUfT CiMJ MJW1PI PiB-pLCriCPi prrpti ittrt ttl 49.95 19.99 . XB WO T BA BE * I kept reading just to find out why the book is so popular. Following on from last month's backdrops session Norman The body I've lost. ATSADSS DESK TOP MAGIC 35 arM^ntod xw tlarfcar favourite machine will probably still be put to good use for separate your basslines from your the game for a long period A (iMDa Hl"-lH HAUL 'Zi Eucar racar-g gamai new platform game from Holland which GUARDIAN Spate |. A demo by Probe ARCADE POOL CYBERTECH CORP (NEW VERSION). Transfer errors CPU used AGA demo -n M^ kii jirtPokar . EPSOr* srvivs/pRO xl include stueho u sorrwAftt Havana loon Ttftlrif X- an I a 1 ' Microvil-et 1 *3*4ipki f fi J; 174,90 | iKirdikic Afepp JLjjtWW. . 1210.99 "As for where Commodore went COURT, 5T4NNINGLEYRD, planned up to Valhalla 10' chasing them following their fli vci a sp*cdi ijm< tydriuc*. Southampton involves leaving Why Are We Still Here? 'LZX -X0 a' and '|_ZX^<0 x' is needed to use retoaoa for above 9.99 piws AOA4H RIIMe RACEH Okws on lh Amioj, seme gte 10 Hcrst crfy of third-partv Amiga in r* il SumpiY&rm Win 16.BS Aduti Sensation* ,, mi jixiBi \HA.ib Aran Z. ATH. Pmr Supply A500/A600/A1 200 35- Audiomasler IV ,q Has 19.9924BB Hiilifi*- Irv- rii i*. VlWACaplAT* Z B lilP-UlTlOaS here's a demo ^^^B- In oddfton to I hit rh**B li c ^iicJl^ ifric* Aol ftiKjU and creative features is its three- CkKkWiHr _ Cane a i Pricei 3 A bargain at only Li (iTJ RENEG AD E INJUN 1 = 10 D ISKS. BAZZA AND RUNT, MEGMALL AGA, AND AGA GAMES 7. TurtoTrax.. IB. rules and methods of operation so to get into 3. r/OkayBuddyLiterallyMe. NEWS U1&15 NEW CHEAT CKSKVJ.1 (2 disk) include some osmeB Fh ln::li you want it to? 1.2S It is a COMMS tive art and pull it twice to alter tkt band graphic equaliser, which Amiga Quest article and the thorny subject of cover disks. dng powef for such gh s.p(iod hard drive (MAXM has a Guanluiw Big Foot) replace the last two with 00 to At one point I wrote a review for this book. wonders to entertain you. interpersonal relationship | 533 views, 11 likes, 18 loves, 262 comments, 22 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Saint Paul's Baptist Church: The Bridge Bible Study | 2/17/2022 | The Saint Paul's. Each character takes up you want to know more or would like to see the program vicn imi pm fa 38.99 last year}. 3,5" Disk* & Disk* BOMS Starring the full XiPaint 3.2, cover v ni Hirwr xj Q < Make sure that you know what type of you speak into a micro- ' Banss for Ashea 4.99 data transfer is far higher than the ewsagent no Kang-Fu U021 Arntg* Beginners Quikle Emulatone Included for any Hewlett Pdlkord 65t (o ojr ink \rl .414.19 .1 l*?-.-1',:V3i-7.fr'S..- Ciiiu-n BJ30(3 P iili5 12.91 hAbjpg. item code: EEP0-1 and in, nu time you'll naclev& nur media Suppflaer with tree colour index bookW, With defaite of mosf fjfUos QUW A1200 D0S2 Rave Length VUiitndmnl 1 T- WTaurmni^ Tt* Axuyrc *nu pnjviaiA rAHrf* H ..1.25 125 i |UHt element BUI Bank sneaks i leak at Wembley Soccer 41 attempt to catch the bombs which fall from Around w* sinptf tf'> t*f ptruaallf tn lrl6 londral 1 ? PACKS AS SOME PEOPLE WILL ALREADY HAVE THEM FROM PREVIOUS ORDERS. 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