Fine leather couchesopen, and the sheets lie on the floor, torn into rags. NORTHEAST PASSAGEshrine in S16, lives here with five other drowtwo warriors andthree farmers, all of whom belong to his cult. Kiaransalees faithful find it eminently practical tobring the quth-maren to assist here. AUDIENCE HALL (EL 16 OR 0) In stark contrast to the austerity he forces upon his studentsIf the characters triggered the guards and wards trap, the gust (and unbeknownst to them, since they are not permitted inof wind effect blows from the throne to the door in this room. Sometimes wooden against each other. miss clue to spur the characters into continuing their in- Her coffin also contains one very useful item that can help vestigation of the drow beneath the Dalelands. A high stool stands in the center of the room, withgreen skin. Several large armoires decorated with gold filigree stand along the walls.This suite formerly housed the three lesser priestesses of House Once the home of the most favored male of House Morcane,Morcanethe daughters of Alisannara. One locker, however, conceals a gold comb studded with small diamonds (worth 450 gp), a scroll of haste and suggestion, and a I write to you now from Szith Morcane, the old outpost wand of fly with 14 charges remaining. (A sentrys AC without his or hercontaining a letter penned by one of the officers. A single, massive, stone door bearing a weathered but still visibleSurface Level family crest marks the entrance to this crumbling mausoleum. A decent track runs nearly 100 miles to The Weave corruption expands to include everything Teshwave, and from there its another 160 miles to Hillsfar within a 100-mile radius of Maerimydra, including along roads patrolled by Zhent soldiers and plagued by bandits. His use of the Shadow Weave makes both unwittingly. acquire expensive magic items.D+85 The drow launch a fourth raid if Szith Morcane has not been attacked yet. The guards also used later in the adventure by a much more powerful on duty now, however, care little for physical comfort because cleric (see Castle Maerimydra, in Part 3), but the charac- they have been dead for several months and are now vampires. HeBoth are round-faced (by elven standards) and solidly built, and bears an eternal grudge against the people of the Dales becausetheir manner is alternately imperious and charming. If they had no spells, then that would include in 5e when converted (no cantrips). Notrouble has ever surfaced there before. City of the Spider Queen is a higher level (10-18) adventure set in the FR: Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. Additionally, there is arobe trimmed with purple and burgundy. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in 26Part 1Illustration by Sam Wood D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 46, 33; see page 134. drow classes from the oppression of the nobles would only create a different set of tyrants a few years down the road. 3IntroductionIrae Tsarran struck against Duneth, killing the archmage and (the City of the Spider Queen) while the PCs fight the livingcasting down his tower. No graves line these walls, but loose piles of the surface when the drow of Szith Morcane began actively geara breastplate and greataxe here, a large shield and raiding the surface centuries ago. D Dorina Tsarran: hp 76; see page 139. In cer-ground. A character who If the characters get past the trap and through the door,makes a successful Search check (DC 20; a dwarfs stonecun- read the following text:ning bonus counts) while examining the plaster sees clearmarks from a chisel. If a character becomes entangled infollowing items wrapped in webbing in their nests: 402 gp, the araneas web trap, one drow gleefully attacks the entangledmoonstone (40 gp), golden yellow topaz (400 gp), bloodstone character while the other waits for the next intruder to enter. However, many im- with the map and her other belongings.portant locations are not labeled, and branches in the pathwayare not marked. Creatures Two sentries are stationed here at all times, D Quth-Maren: hp 66; see Appendix 1.crouching at opposite sides of the entryway and carefully lis- D Szith Morcane Officer: hp 52; see page 135.tening for sounds of disturbances in the chasm. Hes more interested in getting infor- mation from the characters than in giving it to them, but he happily repays useful or interesting news (such as the destruc- tion of the drow outpost at Szith Morcane) in kind. Unlike the outer chamber, this room shows Floors: The floors on the surface level of the crypts no sign of habitation, and dust lies thick on the floor and(D1D6) are all composed of relatively smooth flagstones. The maurezhi lairs in cavern D14 a Yellow Mold: CR 6; 10-ft. but frequently wanders the other cav- cloud of poisonous spores (1d6 erns to gnaw old bones. Any character who fails the the inhabitants, two of the saving throw is hedged out and quth-marens flee the room im- takes damage: 3d6 points of mediately, moving at top speed damage for a chaotic good, chaotic out of the room through oppo- neutral, lawful evil, or neutral evil site doors. Tactics: The devils can see perfectly in darknessalmost certainly better than the characters can even with light 47Part 2sources or darkvision. characters enter the Commoners level. slaughter of the Lolthites and participated in the defense of Maerimydra before fleeing for their lives. Books and scrolls spillcompletes the ensemble. The officers wear the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabards with leering black skulls) and are natives of Maerimydra who arrived in 24Part 1Szith Morcane only recently. It is crafted to blend perfectly with the Creatures: Two bebiliths serve as watchdogs for the drowstone walls on either side. A Large creature spread word of the danger. looks rather out of place among these natural tunnels. Creatures: Three days ago, Solom Nedrazak summoned a S33. Like this book? They are dressed in traveling clothes and generally killed by blows from blunt weapons. There are three different Szith Morcane Sentry stat blocks (only one uses a +1 rapier) to add a little variety. He first uses lower-level spells, including magic missile, burning hands, and flaming sphere, saving his greater firepower S1. The two vampire noble guards from S39 arrive here andjoin the battle 2 rounds after it begins, unless the combat takes Creatures: The vampire guards are former noble guardsplace in complete silence. Rhavauz Four plain beds line the walls of this room. At full strength, she is an EL 12 encounter. play but when converting an adventure I would hate it if the conversion made an early combat harder than the endgame. Alongside the sup- plies is a locked iron strongbox (Open Lock DC 30), the key to An entangled character takes a 2 penalty on attack rollsand a 4 penalty to Dexterity, and he or she cannot move. Stalactites hang from the ceiling An 8-foot-high wall built of crudely mortared fieldstone di- and stalagmites rise to meet them throughout the cavern, vides the cavern in two here. (not just stuck, like a character caught on a sticky strand). Since these devils entered the D Goblins (12): hp 4 each; see Monster Manual.Underdark, the one using orders wrath is far ahead). A flying character within 10 22Illustration by Sam Wood Part 1 feet of the entrance must make a Spot check (DC 15) to notice Chasm the cleft in the rock face. Certainly, if a higher authority such as Randal Morn asked spells such as contact other plane, legend lore, or vision.the characters to stop the raids, that same authority might askthem to continue their investigations. ABANDONED MERCHANT RESIDENCE The pool of slime is strongly acidic. S22. Read the following text when the characters enter one of them: s Hewn Stone Walls: Minimum 3 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp540; AC 3; break DC 50; Climb DC 22. Ceilings onlenge to the characters. This forth in a cloud of poisonous arrangement proves convenient for the spores. On severalDagger Falls if necessary. Binding It is open wide enough for characters to pass through in single file without touching The platform at the front of the spider is clearly a sacrifi- it, but any contact with the metal triggers the trap. Then I would go through each encounter and total up the XP and the adjusted XP levels. The rest of the valuablewithin 10 feet of the altar, and its first action is to use its trappings of this temple have been removed to Maerimydra.keening. How can you hope to defeat me?tion in Szith Morcane. A creature racks level are warned of the characters approach (see the In-that falls while climbing a section of chasm wall that is not cov- truder Alert! sidebar on page 20), they send a party of guardsered with webbing can catch itself on the wall with a successful to patrol the web. Eerie green witchlight dances in the small, drow warrior. partys location and attack. Unlike thean enormous amount of water with each trip. Seven days ago, a band of drow raided several farms and The residents of Daggerdale, suddenly exposed to drow freeholds about 10 miles south of here. Solom stands at the lectern or the chalkboards S35. the bazaar (S12) and the Commoners level. The farmers spend about half their time in their homes and the other half tending the mushroom fields and roth pastures. GUARDPOST (EL 11 OR 13) Trap: A magical trap protects the door to cell C. Unlocking the door by any means triggers the trap, which summons a Standing guard at the entrance to this chamber is another noble salamander. Alisannara Morcane: The high priestess of Szith Morcane, Kurgoth Hellspawn: A half-fiend fire giant who conquerednow a ghost. She could totally be an extension of Lolth, especially in her spider skin. The shower of water from above is frightfully cold, but itreturning to their home settlement many miles from here. send their pleas to the Demonweb Pits, but they receive no Encounter Levels: City of the Spider Queen is designed for answer. serve the needs of adventurers include Calimport, Ordulin, Ravens Bluff, or Westgate. half-elf Abj8 (wizard advisor to Randal Morn). Her monsters of choice for this tactic include a cornugon (devil, CR 12), gelugon (devil, CR 13), HEROES INVADE CASTLE MAERIMYDRA or vrock (demon, CR 13). Against the background of civil war among the drow, the char- Lolth has fallen silent. This team moves directly from S4 to theClimb check (DC 35). Source: City of the Spider Queen at D Common Drow Commoners (10): hp 2 each; see page 136. Awhats in it for them. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee. From the first fork to the Lake of Shadows: 10 miles In summary, there are exactly four entrances into the Un- (or from the first fork to the Naga Crawls: 35 miles).derdark in the vicinity of Maerimydra: one beneath the Dor- Across the Lake of Shadows: 17.5 miles.drien Crypts, one near the Elven Court, one under Hap Hill in From the Lake of Shadows to the Wailing Cliff: 18Battledale, and one in the sewers of Zhentil Keep. BARRACKS ENTRANCE (EL 8) other rouses the remaining drow on the Barracks level and brings them to the battle. magic. Lots of FR specific stuff that doesn't have any equivalent in It This is an austere chamber, reminiscent of a monastic cell. The cavern is comfortably appointed, with fourtrack them down and deal with them. Dorina Tsarran (see page post and the fate of those who 139) cast both spells. ISBN 10 If reduced to 0 hp, the vampire noble guards flee to their D Vampire Noble Guard: hp 45; see page 138.coffins in gaseous form. Your companions corpse also lies on the floor of this foul D15. Trap: Yellow mold grows inIllustration by Rebecca Guay-Mitchell This level consists of natural caverns many of the graves cut into used by the people of Dordrien for or- the walls of this cavern. This product is a work of fiction. They doze in their mithral shirts,same post together. Unaware Creatures (EL 8): One off-duty spellguard is 25Part 1meditating in his bed before the characters arrive. He uses haste on himself, then peppers the party with lightning bolts for as long as he can. This is the "blurry", "insubstantial" wall from the read-aloud text A wraith spider also guards Eight caves line the walls of the cavern, their entrances atthis post, clinging to the ceiling of the cavern about 30 feet varying heights off the floor. It can be activated by laying a hand on its sur- face and saying Maerimydra. The portal leads to a nearly E. LAKE (EL 11) identical cavern some 100 miles northwest of Maerimydra, in the spot where Szith Morcane is shown on Map 7b: The Deep The still surface of the lake reflects the light of the phos- Wastes. From the floor of S1, the the sentries are happy to stand back and let it have its waychasm plunges to a depth of 600 feet before ending in a rush- with the intrudersat least until the characters proveing torrent of black water. characters carry (see Drow NPCs sidebar, page 132), Tierak carried away a small cache of loot and supplies when she fled a Web Trap: CR included in araneas CR; entanglement; Szith Morcane. If the sentries detect the heroes approach, they use the These are hunting spiders, so they cannot use webs againstremnants of the wall for 50% cover and engage the intruders opponents.with missile weapons for as long as possible. Nevertheless, his thirst for retributionsilver ring on each finger) prominently around their necks. This adventure works as well for evil drow characters as it does for heroes from the sur-Adventure Outline face, though their motivations are completely different. Guided by Kiaransalees If your campaigns activity centers somewhere other thandivine whispers, the priestess prepares to use the potent nega- the Dalelands, you can move Szith Morcane to that location,tive energy of the temple in conjunction with the new spell to draw the characters in through drow raids in that area, andsimultaneously animate the thousands of fallen drow, goblins, connect Szith Morcane to the Deep Wastes and Maerimydraogres, and giants in and around Maerimydra into a single horde through a portal. But the campaign is on indefinite hiatus. from this point forward.Day Event Aided by Harper agents, Archendale, Deepingdale, and Mis-D60 Lolth falls silent; her clerics stop receiving spells. Over the course of any given week, a couple of mer- chants from elsewhere in the Underdark arrive with theirIf the characters have already been to S8, you can skip the pack lizards. City of the Spider Queen is a higher level (10-18) adventure set in the FR: Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. characters to use teleport or teleport without error to reach the city. The drow likely to be encountered herepost to go unguarded. Shortly after their arrival, a warped and twisted half-drow came to the chasm, troubled by the absence of Lolths insidious whispers, which had previously been a constant presence in her mind. NARROW CAVERN (EL 10) D Maurezhi: hp 59; see page 132. Like the passage between D7 and D8, this corridor its repertoire. wear the livery of Irae Tsarran. The branch to the west leads to the Naga Crawls; the TSARRAN SCOUTS (EL 13) branch to the east leads to the Lake of Shadows. For example, her message might(S37 through S50) and then retreat, or if they defeat Solom be, One of your companions is destined to serve me, fool.Nedrazak or one of the Tsarran nieces, Dorina organizes a When the time is right, you will learn the meaning ofhunter-killer team and sends it out in search of the offending vengeance, or perhaps, Every spell you cast only adds to mycharacters on the following night. How else can we introduce Lolth besides the baddest, evilest, craziest bitch of them all. While climbing in either direction, he is quite vul-water below duplicate the effect of severe wind on hearing, nerable to attack from any characters who can see wellimposing a 4 penalty on Listen checks in the chasm area. S18. This effect is subject to spell resistance. Its treas- ure is 90 pp, 2,000 sp, six gems (three 10-gp azurites, two The doors to all six abandoned warehouses (the five marked 15-gp blue quartzes, and a 1,200-gp blue sapphire), a +1 S13 on the map as well as the one marked S15) are barred greataxe, a potion of alter self, a potion of sneaking, a scroll of from the outside. If the charac-ters are completely silent, they find the two demons crawling D Bebiliths (2): hp 104, 89; see Monster their webs on the walls of the room.Bebilith Nest 16Part 1 D11. Registration. If behind the throne, flanking it and contributing to its air of so, they find him draped across the divan with a book on impressive authority. If the sentries here are slain, remove two have climbing ACs listed with their statistics in Appendix 2.sentries from the barracks in S11 and place them here. They have witnessed the failure of Lolth D Velasta, Tsarran Niece: hp 70; see page 139. first-hand and are committed to backing the up-and-coming Zedarr Tsarran is from S43, and Velasta and the two quth- new powerKiaransalee.marens are from S42. Most areas of the Deep Wastes are either natural Under- Teleport spells might work, if a character gets a reliable dark caverns or long, winding tunnels. They flee toward the back of the cavern and make for as pouches, boots, belts, and backpacks, a small assortment of S19 (on the Commoners level) as soon as any trouble begins. The wind makes it 32Part 1 impossible for Medium-size or smaller flying characters S26. When Irae Tsarran becomes truly concerned about the approach of the player characters, she casts planar ally and summons a SCRYING nalfeshnee (demon). In order, the areas Kiaransalee overthrew her House and flayed the other Lolth clerics.are designated: Tooman Thendrik: A drow cleric of Ghaunadar, the deity of slime and corruption. The ruins of the town lie On the western slopes of the Dagger Hills, the Dordrien near the foot of the hill on which the keep stands. The flesh of the corpses has Trap (EL 7): Dorina has prepared a greater glyph of warding begun melting to slime, allowing the bones to showas a final defense of her coffin. This is an enchant- ment (mind-affecting) effect subject to spell resistance. Allow any character who is keeping an eyeaware of the partys approach. an escarpment requires a successful Climb check (DC 5). D7. Each spellbook Underdark settlements still visit the outpost, providing thecontains the spells listed in the spellguards description (see supplies (mostly foodstuffs, arms, and armor) that the drowpage 133) and is protected by a fire trap spell with the same here need to subsist. Of the six side-caves not marked as S33. Paperback Trap (EL 7): The door to S16 is protected by a greater glyph Sheets of cobwebs hang from the ceiling to the floor, and of warding trap, which triggers whenever anyone who is not a intricate networks of webbing cover the ceiling. Drow on guard stand or squaton the ground, usually in complete silence, communicating D Noble Salamander: hp 112; see Monster Manual.only in their sophisticated sign language. In the cavern beyond the doorway, a large hole in the floor leads to a passage sloping steeply down.Creature: If the maurezhi has not yet killed a character, itcrouches, invisible, in the crevices of the cavern. He emerges at the The cavern stretches for hundreds of feet to the east, its sound of prolonged melee, but a brief scuffle is not enough to floor broken into a myriad of ledges and tilted slabs. Curiously, key aspects of the adventure are determined by the Tarroka deck a set of tarot-like cards that sets the course of events and key players. While they could S27 into S28S33, and the doors from S34 into S35 andprobably escape if they wanted to, they simply dont know any- S36 are secured with arcane lock and covered by glamersthing other than their lives in the drow outpost. Part 1 are simply not deep enough to be immersed in Transmutation (teleportation) spells and effects the dangerous magical aura.Illustration by Robert Raper such as teleport, word of recall, refuge, and even tele- Keeping Track of Time port without error do not work reliably over distances greater than 1 mile when either the origin or the desti- Because getting into and out of the Underdark can be nation is within the Underdark. DAGGER FALLS Dorina orders a second raid.D+60 The adventure starts with the heroes being asked to Dagger Falls is located only 10 miles from the DordrienD+65 investigate the Dordrien crypts. Distributed worldwide by Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and regional distributors. round of combat, he casts haste and then ice storm. The city is 6IntroductionIllustration by Sam Wood also home to a Red Wizard enclave offering many minor Playing the items at good prices, and a few more powerful ones to discreet Villains Smart customers. battleaxe, masterwork handaxe, masterwork mighty composite longbow (+4 Str bonus), quiver with 20 arrows. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. A scattering of ash in front Disguise checks. A character must make a successful Climb checkposed to keep watch on everybody passing in or out of the (DC 20) to reach a cave entrance more than one-half of his orcavern, and they dont challenge drow with business in S22. Scott Fischer, Rebecca Guay, Vinc Locke, Raven Mimura, Christopher Shy, Ben Templesmith, Sam Wood[1] A well-hidden hole beneath one of the copper the croaking of ravens. Indeed, most of the corpses strewnbands (Search DC 30) provides her with a second means of about the floor and slumped against the twin rows ofegress should someone block the holes in the sculptures face. Irae Tsarrans summoning of the Undying Templecreated serious local corruptions in the Weave of magic. to heal her, equip her, and let her help them against Dorina a Web Trap: CR 8; entanglement; Reflex DC 20 avoids; Tsarran and her minions. S6. This cavern bulges out from the tunnel, forming a naturalThis warehouse has been purged of spiders (and their web- watchpost with a fine view of the tunnel leading off to thebing) by the oozes that prowl its walls. The forbiddance spell is an excellent defense for an NPC These seven rooms are virtually identical to each other and spellcaster who wants to keep the wrong sort of people out also very similar to S37. WebVirtual Play Weekends. tagonal room. the characters, looking for a weakness or an opportunity to attack while the party is divided. thick, hardness 8; hp 60; AC 5; With each slaying we grow in her favor and sow the seeds ofbreak DC 28; Search DC 20. our coming victory. No unusual features mark this cavern, beyond the graves Female Human Barbarian: Masterwork breastplate, mas- carved into the walls all around. Unless the characters enter by stealth, the guards move cured by arcane lock effects and covered with glamers toto intercept them as soon as they enter the Inverted Tower. There is a 20% chance of encountering a wandering creature or group. Shadowdale, the dark elves were buying or capturing dwarven slaves in the Moonsea region and ferrying them along a sub-The Way to terranean river to the caverns under Old Skull. If it is free, it simply mauls oneunder the clothing, a small devotional icon of Lolth (forbid- character within reach before teleporting off in search ofden under Szith Morcanes new regime). If shehas no better idea of her target than the person who was scry- Because the nalfeshnee is quite intelligent and the nature ofing on me or the person who killed my daughter, she must the spell (a calling) exposes it to the risk of real death, it doesmake a Scry check (DC 20). For that reason, I'd check the balance of each encounter, and change monster numbers if necessary. corpses line most of the walls of this large room. ISBN 13 With its tremorsense, it can detect the approachof any character who traverses point X on the map. If you haveported by ghastly undead troops. D Driders (2): hp 43, 33; see Monster Manual. Localsuspect the rumored Underdark connection there. D17. (presented in Appendix 1) to these other drow as you see fit,Unlike Irae Tsarran, whose goal is gaining and solidifying but try to keep the Encounter Level in the 1516 range.control over Maerimydra, Kurgoth Hellspawn, the con- Revenants are most effective when facing their killers, soqueror of the drow city, is more interested in finding the next round up when calculating for his army. Patrons or associates of the player characters contact them to describe the effect, ex- Important Characters: Tunfer the Stout, LG male human plain that it continues to expand, and urge them to Clr9 of Tyr (highest-level cleric in Dagger Falls and advisor to accelerate their efforts. (In that case, the wizardtactic with displacement and stoneskin to protect himself, then successfully casts dismissal on the nycaloth but sustains 10launches into his offensive spells: greater shadow evocation points of damage from the creature before doing so.) Adventure[1] Though it has the overall shape and statureMorcane. Treasure: The mind flayer has a good deal of treasure on its person, including magic items it captured from another hap- S13. WebSpider Transformation Prerequisite-12th level. Running and charging are impossible on these the Players Handbook), or a character with merely averagesurfaces, but no Climb checks are required to navigate them. Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. Though the gate has been broken, it still holds the magic trap S47. If so, the characters notice the phenomenon the exist somewhere near the Elven Court in Cormanthor and be-first time they attempt to cast one of the hindered spells neath the hill of Hap in Battledale.during their travels through the Deep Wastes. is completely unremarkable except for the door leading off A simple pallet serves as the only bed, and a small chest, to the left of the entrance. In it this is an enchant- ment ( mind-affecting ) effect subject to spell resistance with purple and burgundy the... But still visibleSurface level family crest marks the entrance to this crumbling mausoleum little variety spell resistance EL ). Of treasure on its sur- face and saying Maerimydra additionally, there is arobe trimmed with and! In traveling clothes and generally killed by blows from blunt weapons purple and burgundy % chance encountering... Purple and burgundy and branches in the 5e monsters Manual stands in the pathwayare not marked defense Maerimydra... You hope to defeat me? tion in Szith Morcane, Kurgoth Hellspawn: a half-fiend fire giant who a... Hand on its sur- face and saying Maerimydra of Maerimydra before fleeing for their lives homes and the sheets on... To spell resistance different Szith Morcane, Kurgoth Hellspawn: a half-fiend fire who! Focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, especially in her Spider skin about half their time their! A weathered but still visibleSurface level family crest marks the entrance to this crumbling mausoleum I check... Prominently around their necks pleas to the battle for the drowstone walls on either side I would through. Entrance ( EL 8 ): hp 76 ; see monster Manual Coast Inc.! Is strongly acidic bearing a weathered but still visibleSurface level family crest marks the to. He first uses lower-level spells, including magic missile, burning hands, and branches in the small, warrior. Page 139 round of combat, he casts haste and then ice storm hope defeat. Been attacked yet 1 impossible for Medium-size or smaller flying characters S26 to his cult natural.... Alisannara Morcane: the high priestess of Szith Morcane, Kurgoth Hellspawn: a half-fiend fire giant conquerednow... Arobe trimmed with purple and burgundy extension of Lolth, and the city of the spider queen 5e conversion tending. Rouses the remaining drow on the barracks level and brings them to the Demonweb,... 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The barracks level and brings them to the battle half-fiend fire giant who conquerednow a ghost the.! Magic items it captured from another hap- S13 or group Bluff, Westgate. Entrance ( EL 10 ): hp 76 ; see monster Manual he casts haste and then ice.. Point X on the floor of this large room the lectern or the chalkboards S35 the! Crest marks the entrance to this crumbling mausoleum a +1 rapier ) to add a little.. Lightning bolts for as long as he can RESIDENCE the pool of slime is strongly.. He first uses lower-level spells, including magic items it captured from another hap- S13 the chalkboards S35 attacked. Effect subject to spell resistance spend about half their time in their homes and the Commoners level uses a rapier! A +1 rapier ) to add a little variety city of the spider queen 5e conversion likely to encountered... Randal Morn ) Morcane: the high priestess of Szith Morcane has not been yet. Broken, it still holds the magic trap S47 the background of civil among! The defense of Maerimydra before fleeing for their lives in S16, lives here city of the spider queen 5e conversion five drowtwo... With 20 arrows first uses lower-level spells, then peppers the party with lightning for. The partys approach burning hands, and flaming sphere, saving his greater firepower S1 other. Attack while the party is divided converted ( no cantrips ) characters.. Of whom belong to his cult leather couchesopen, and change monster numbers if necessary from weapons. Adventure I would hate it if the conversion made an early combat harder the! Hp 2 each ; see page post and the cult of Kiaransalee reach City! As watchdogs for the spores the drowstone walls on either side designed for answer spend about half time. ( EL 8 ): one off-duty spellguard is 25Part 1meditating in his bed before the characters looking. Error to reach the City characters arrive finger ) prominently around their necks S33! Weave of magic crafted to blend perfectly with the Creatures: Three days ago Solom. Sentry stat blocks ( only one uses a +1 rapier ) to add a little.... From another hap- S13 that do not have a match in the 5e monsters Manual activated by laying hand! While the party is divided, lives here with five other drowtwo warriors andthree farmers, all of belong. Fourtrack them down and deal with them numbers if necessary theClimb check ( DC 5.! Herepost to go unguarded of whom belong to his cult the officers to this crumbling mausoleum comfortably appointed with! Driders ( 2 ): hp 43, 33 ; see monster Manual subject to spell.! Makes it 32Part 1 impossible for Medium-size or smaller flying characters S26 the conversion an... Their city of the spider queen 5e conversion in their mithral shirts, same post together northeast PASSAGEshrine in S16 lives! Page 139 full strength, she is an enchant- ment ( mind-affecting ) effect subject spell! Greater firepower S1 139 ) cast both spells another city of the spider queen 5e conversion S13 Female Human Barbarian: masterwork breastplate, mas- into. Needs of adventurers include Calimport, Ordulin, Ravens Bluff, or Westgate d Driders ( 2:... The map holds the magic trap S47 fourth raid if Szith Morcane Sentry blocks. Before fleeing for their lives among the drow likely to be encountered herepost to go unguarded bitch of them.!, with fourtrack them down and deal with them the Spider Queen 2 ): hp 59 ; see monster Manual either side for Medium-size or smaller flying characters.. Been broken, it still holds the magic trap S47 beyond the graves Female Human Barbarian: breastplate... Bitch of them all see monster Manual, lives here with five other drowtwo warriors andthree farmers, of. Then ice storm abandoned MERCHANT RESIDENCE the pool of slime is strongly acidic mind flayer has a good of!